Drug Addiction

          Traffic in drugs constitutes a major problem for the federal authorities, because of the alarming increase in youthful addict for parents as well as teachers.
          The losses of power of self control through drugs addiction are not only harmful to individual concerned but also to society. A drug addicts has such an overwhelming craving for the drug that he does not count the cost of getting it, crime, violence, murder have been price all too often. The addicts developed a tolerance to drug so that increasing dose is necessary in order to produce desired effects. When not under influence of drug the addicts tend more and more to manifest typical disturbance of nervous system. If drug is withdrawn from addicts, characteristics withdrawal symptoms appear, with acute physical pain in addition to such symptom as severe cramp in abdomen and legs, muscular twitching, vomiting and diarrhea. The addicts will be irritable, restless and unable to relax and will breakout in sweat and goose pimples. Rest sleep is difficult or impossible to achieve.
          Treatment for drugs addictions are quite drastic and should be attempted only by qualified medical personnel with adequate facility. The first steps in treatments are withdrawal of drug, abruptly, rapidly or gradually followed by a period of psychotherapy and rehabilitation. This final period should last at least four months otherwise there are an even greater danger of relapse to addiction among most patient, information regarding treatments are available from the health service providers.
          The chief drug used by addict is opium and its derivatives morphine and heroin, cocaine, hashish, and marijuana made from hemp. The wide spread use of bromide and barbiturate, sedative and sleeping spill available to general public has also raised problem. The barbiturate fulfills all requirements of habit forming drug. Overdoses are often fatal. Therefore legal control of sale of the drug has been tightened.


          Dust fine pulverized powder of dry earth or refuses found all through the atmosphere except perhaps on mountains top and out at sea. An atmospheres free of dusts are far healthier than which is not. Nature and industry produce dust of various kinds against which people cannot wholly protect themselves. In some instance, dust may be disastrously harmful to human being.
          Microscopic particles of pollen dust borne by wind come in contact with the mucous membranes of eye and respiratory tracts and produces symptom of allergy such as seasonal hay fever, hive and other disorder. Industrial dust produced by grinding of metal and in the manufacture of wood product flour, sugar, textile, leather and feather also affects human being.
          DT stands for delirium tremens.
          Duodenum, first portion of small intestine, leading from stomach, it contain the opening of the pancreatic and common bile duct.
          Most dust contains some carbon and other organic matter. Many people sensitive to dusts and has skin reaction when dust come in contact with skin. Other dust, when inhaled irritates windpipe and bronchial tube. Coal dust may get into lungs causing pigmentation and may stimulate production and may stimulates production of fibrous tissue, inorganic dust contains free silica incites silicosis, a special form of change in lungs. In silicosis silica act produce nodules throughout lungs which can detect by x-rays. Lungs damaged in this way are prone to secondary infection, including tuberculosis.
          Asbestosis is a special form of lung disorder in which the magnesium silicate contained in asbestos produces fibrous changes that are different from those caused by pure silica, however, asbestosis and silicosis are much alike, both being form of the lung disorder pneumoconiosis.
          To inhibit inhalation of dust, various form of exhaust system, air conditioning and improve ventilation has been develop. Helmets and breathing device worn by miners and worker employed in operations producing excessive dust have also been helpful.
          Organic dust, like carbon, differ from inorganic dust like carbon differ from inorganic dust in that they do not cause change in the lungs such as are produced by the action of silica. Organic dust particle do not penetrate lung tissue but instead are absorbed into tissue of body.
          Drought area is great dust producer, but immediate health hazard, aside from the relationship between dust storm and secondary pneumonia, are not serious. More harmful is mental and economic hardship suffered by people living in dust bowl region.
The skeletal or voluntary muscles are attached to bone and form the external body contours. Consciously controlled by the brain their main functions are locomotion of the body.
1.                 Sternocleidomastoid
2.                 Trapezius
3.                 Deltoid
4.                 Pectoralis major
5.                 Serratus Anterior
6.                 External Oblique
7.                 Abdominis.
8.                 Rectus Abdominis
9.                 Iliopsoas
10.            Adductor Longus
11.            Gracilis
12.            Sartorius
13.            Vastus Lateralis
14.            Vastus Medialis
15.            Tibialis Anterior
16.            Soleus
17.            Gastrocnemius
18.            Biceps
19.            Flexors of Hand and Wrist
20.            Branchioradialis