Date Extension for Online Registration

Deadline Alert : 

Deadline For New registration and Updation is extended till 10.01.2016, submit properly with accurate data.

Date Extension for Online Registration

This is in continuation of the advertisement published by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan in national dailies dated November 1,2015 for eligible students to register at Students’ Service Portal ONLINE APPLY( ) for consideration and award of a laptop under Prime Minister’s Laptops Scheme (Phase II).
Students are informed that the deadline for online registration/profile updating has now been extended till Sunday, January 10, 2016. This is the Final Call and students who do not get registered or update their profiles by then, will not be considered as eligible students for the said scheme.
The last date for online registration for students of Government Colleges of
Technology/Polytechnic Institutes and the colleges under Federal Directorate of Education will be announced later at
Students who are already registered or have updated profile at the Students’ Service Portal and having status”Applied”are advised to contact their
respective University/Department’s Focal Person for verification of their data so as to get the status changed to “Verified” and reflected on the portal.
Project Director (PMNLS)
Phone: 051 — 90402200-0 1

Date Extension for Online Registration