1. Introduction.
2. Current intensified situation of the unemployment.
3. Effects of the unemployment.
a) It bars the country from making progress.
b) It causes social disorder.
4. Cause of the unemployment.
a) Defective system of education.
b) Lack of industrial development.
c) Monopolistic control over the industry.
d) Over population is also one of its causes.
5. How to cope with the problem.
6. Conclusion.
A person who does not have a work to earn his livelihood is called an unemployed person. Unemployment is a universal problem. Everybody face it. Even the developed countries like Britain and America face it. Unemployment exists at two levels in our country. There are uneducated people who have no source of income in the country. Unemployment also exists among the educated people. This is very dangerous in its results.
Thousands of persons holding masters degrees are out of job. There are numberless doctors, engineers and scientists who have degrees in their hands but they are unemployed. Even people with foreign qualification wander aimlessly in search of jobs. There are many thousands of unemployed laborers, farm workers in villages and workers in cities who are daily bread winners. Sometimes they do not got work for days and weeks together.
Large scale unemployment has very bad effects upon the progress of the country. Unemployed people do not take part in the development of the country. Moreover, the unemployed people do not take part in the development of the country. Moreover, the unemployed people in any society suffer from inferiority complex. They suffer from an agony that they are worthless and good for nothing. Unemployment brings frustration and disappointment among the educated as well as the uneducated people. It brings in its wake hunger, starvation and disease. It produces a feeling of revolt among the unemployed. The government should try to overcome the factors which lead to unemployment. It should control population by family planning. It should open new factories, offices, research centers etc.
Where educated people can work. It should overhaul its education and produce useful members of society than idle degree holders.
Another disastrous effect of the unemployment is that it causes social disorder and disturbance. The frustration caused by sense of deprivation leads the unemployed to commit serious crimes like robbery, trafficking, smuggling, kidnapping, etc. some of the unemployed get themselves addicted to drugs and other fatal things.
The causes of the large scale unemployment are many. First, our system of education is defective, it does not fulfill our social and economic needs. It aims at producing clerks and peons instead of technicians and skilful workers. Our country is marching on the road to progress. It needs scientists, technical hands and skilful workers. Our education produces young gradates who do not like to work with their hands. They dream of rosy future, whiteout doing manual work. We must change our education and harness it to the economic needs of the country.
Secondly, our country is not much advanced in industry. We have a few mills and factories. We cannot absorb all jobless people in these factories and mills.
Thirdly, the industry of the country is controlled by a few privileged people. They do not let others share their experience and capital. If they make a little sacrifice, they can raise a network of industries in the country. The educated people have neither the opportunity nor the capital to set up and industry. The industrialists can give an incentive to the educated people to set up new factories and mills.
Fourthly, our population is increasing very fast. It is very difficult to provide jobs to such a large fast-growing population. Our country is underdeveloped and its sources are limited. Moreover out country is ruled by feudal lords and capitalists. There does not exist just and fair distribution of wealth and other sources in the country. The country is sharply divided into two classes “the haves and the have-nots”. This is a sad state of affairs but this is a bitter reality which we have to endure.
For reducing the intensity of unemployment, Pakistan Government should take different measures. These are:
1. Creative self-employment schemes should be introduced and more funds should be available in the form of loans to skilled and qualified people.
2. Private sector should be encouraged to set up the business houses.
3. Foreign investors should be encouraged to invest in the development sectors.
No doubt, unemployment is a worldwide problem, and it is not only Pakistan that is confronted with it but every second country of the worked is facing it. It is not only the State that bears the responsibility but also the NGOs. All should join hands to cope with the problem so that we many eradicate this problem to a greater extent.