

Many drugs has been discovered which can stop convulsion of epilepsy or other convulsive disorder. Among best known are Dilantin, Peganone, Phenurone, Paradione, Tridione, Mysoline, Milontin.
These drugs are of greatest importance because today thousands of persons with convulsive disorder are enabled to go months or even longer without a convulsion through proper use. Because of their potency, only a physician who has thoroughly studied patient and who understands nature of convulsive disorder should prescribe drug of his choice according to needs of individual patient.
Certain other drugs which act on nervous system may prevent cough by their local effects on nervous system and on tissues involved in coughing. Codeine, a derivative of morphine, is a powerful drug in preventing coughs. There are, however other drugs not derived from morphine which prevent cough through action on nervous systems.
The tranquilizing drugs include particularly thorazine pacatal trilafon compazine sparine dartal vesprin and temeril. Under these groups also come derivative of rauwolfia which include serpasil, reserpine and similar preparations. Most widely known of tranquilizers is meprobamate which are also known as equanil. This, however, are relaxant drug rather than a depressant.
Many drugs has been discovered which can stop convulsion of epilepsy or other convulsive disorder. Among best known are Dilantin, Peganone, Phenurone, Paradione, Tridione, Mysoline, Milontin.

Nervous system stimulants

There are drugs which stimulate nervous system and which is used to overcome depression to energize body and to oppose actions of sedative and tranquilizers. Many of these drugs are toxic in sense that they may raise blood pressure, stimulate beating of heart and produce great breathlessness.
For years people have known that tea and coffee which contain caffeine or theobromine or theophylline, have power to stimulate. Students have taken caffeine or many cups of coffee to keep awake during study. Some derivatives of choline and of xanthine have effects of stimulating central nervous system. New psychic energizers which control endogenous depression are Nardil Catron Tofranil and many more.


Contraceptives are used to inhibit action of sperm cells or to prevent the passage of the sperm into the uterus. They are of many varieties and are discussed under others section of these work.

Skin Remedies

          The number of chemical substances used upon the human skin rungs into hundreds. This is used to protect the skin, to control blemishes, to disinfect skin, to stop itching, to take cares of scaling and oiliness, to remove skin and for many others purpose. In chapter on skin many of these remedies are detailed discussed.

Alcohol Deterrents

          Among new remedies recently developed drugs like disulfiram or anti abuse which causes person who take them develops unfavorable symptom to drinking alcohol. Such a drug obviously must use with greatest of care because of possible dangers from poisoning.


          Within the human body there is substances produced which act to aid functions of body. One enzyme called hyaluronidase can limit the spread of fluid in the body and is used to prevent scar tissues.
          Another enzyme can inactivate penicillin and are used when there is toxic reaction from use of penicillin.
          Some enzymes prevent clotting of blood and is used to dissolve clot. One such enzyme Chymotrypsin, is injected into eye to loosen the tissues around a cataract.

Stomach and intestinal drugs

          Persons who suffer from excess acid can take drug which stop flow of acid. Other drug protect wall of stomach against effects of acid.

Blood Derivatives

          Many substances have been derived from blood and is used in medicines. These includes the whole blood itself as are used for transfusion, the serum from blood, liquid portion of blood (which are called plasma), the clotting material (which are called fibrin). Other substance such as heparin, dicumarol, tromexan prevent clotting of blood and are used after coronary thrombosis to prevent further clotting. Some drugs have been developed which is used to prevent bleedings. These include Thrombin, which is derived from the blood itself.
          Various drugs are used to stimulate growth of red blood cell, including particularly iron and various form and modification of iron. Also there are organic substance derived from liver, from wall of stomach which may stimulates growth of red blood cells.


The glands of internal secretion include pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal glands the sex glands. From all of these, substances have been derived which have powerful effects. From adrenal glands come cortisone and hydrocortisone, also adrenalin, aldosterone. The pituitary gland comes pituitrin, ACTH and various other hormones which stimulate the action of the breasts, sex gland, thyroid or adrenals. Sex gland which includes ovaries and testes gives rise to hormones which is of great importance in functions of body, including function of growth.
          The pituitary believed to contain hormones which are important in affecting the color of the body and the growth of the body.
          The pancreas comes insulin which control the use of sugar by the body, trypsin which are digestive ferment. (See also Endocrinology).

Immunologic Agents

          By injection of various substances into human body the blood produces substances which resist proteins which have been injected. By such techniques we derives various serum and antitoxins. Thus there are vaccines and serums against many diseases. These vaccines are now available against influenza whooping cough poliomyelitis rabies tuberculosis and many other disorders.
          Serum is made against almost any type of germs but they are effective only according to response of the animals to the toxic substances.

Edema-Reducing Agents

          Among the greatest of recent discovery is drug which can causes elimination of fluid from body. Among this is particularly diamox and diuril. This has been found to be of greatest importance in heart failures, in various other conditions in which fluid collect in tissue. Before, this new discovery, various mercury derivatives was used and some is still used for same purposes. On other hand, a drug called Benemid derived from benzoic acid serve to block renal tubules so that a drug like penicillin are held in body until it can have its effect.