Important Question Code of Criminal Procedure

Important Questions Criminal Procedural Code

1. What are the powers and duties of Justice of peace?
2. Define the meaning of bail and kinds of bail also describe the condition of conformation of pre-arrested and after arrested bail?
3. What is complaint? How complaint is proceeds?
4. What is means by FIR and how the FIR is different from the complaint?
5. What was the duty of officer in charge of police station under Cr.P.C about receiving of information cognizable and non-cognizable offence?
6. What is purpose of charge and when can be changed or altered the charge?
7. What is remand? Discuss in detail?
8. Describe the powers of session Judge in revision?
9. A trail court (Magistrate) can acquit the accused at any stage. Describe the ground of acquitted?
10. What is the public nuisance write down its procedure for its removal?
11. Police can arrest a person without warrant discuss in detail?
12. Short notes
Complaint                         Investigation                       Advocate general                     Offence
Pleader                              Charge                                 Trial                                             Public prosecutor
Bailable and non bailable offence 

Medical Jurisprudence

1. What is medico legal report?
2. What are kinds of injury?
3. What is postmortem? How it is important to establish cause of death?