London: With the arrival of winter in the air, which reduces the effect of moisture on our skin makes the skin look rough and explode with dry, cold weather, experts give little attention to protect the skin In its beauty and value can be added.
According to dermatologists long hot bath that causes the skin while bathing in cold mudm keep in mind that the water is warm and the 10 minute duration of the bath be. To protect the skin before bathing in water with baby oil or any oil mixed with water and a few drops of mustard or copra oil-body massage, this way the skin grows too is helpful. The body after bathing dry well and a good body lotion massage. Every night before going to sleep good face wash is also beneficial to the cold cream.
In the winter should reduce the use of soap because it reduces the skin's natural moisture. In addition soap rubbed on the body should also avoid breaking the skin and thus are more likely to be affected, experts The face is the best method for cleaning the basin of the laptop face grease-free and fresh hy.agrksy person's skin becomes dry naturally muscrayzz cleaner if soap-free use may be beneficial.
People are jldnazk hysrdyun season comes down skin of their hands. The sap in a glass of rose, lemon juice and a spoon glycerin Store in a bottle, bedtime massage and wash morning and put some nice lotion.
In the winter to keep skin fresh and pleasant bedtime muscrayzr using standard cold cream and the skin moisture is maintained and that this method is safe from the effects of cold weather. According to experts, most of the water in the winter, when consumption of hot drinks should be banned, because it can lead to the exclusion of water from the body.
According to health experts in cold weather should drink more water to keep the skin fresh. In winter, oranges, orange, carrot, radish and other seasonal fruits can be lacking in the body of water and the water we can get the moisture necessary for the skin. The vitality of the skin is maintained and the skin is protected from the effects of weather.