PPSC Lecturer Political Science / Civics Past Papers

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PPSC  Lecturer Political Science / Civics  Past Papers


01. Define a political system and discuss its Input and Output Functions. 

02. Make an estimate of Aristotle as the father of Political Science. 

03. Machiavelli is called as a "Citizen of all States and Contemporary of all ages". Justify. 

04. Define the Islamic Concept of Sovereignty. How far it differs from the Western Concept of Sovereignty ? 

05. Discuss Imam Ghazall's Theory of Immamate. 

06. Make a survey of Ouaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah's efforts for 20 the creation of Pakistan.

07. Make a comparison between the Powers of American President and the British Prime Minister. 

08. Write notes on TWO of the followings:-

a) Difference between Socialism and Communism.
b) Allama Igbals Allahabad Address.
c) Main features of the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan.
d) Separation of Powers in USA