How to Prepare PMS/PPSC/KPSPSC/SPSC/BPSC/FPSC/NTS General Knowledge Paper

Here goes crack of PMS/PPSC/KPSPSC/SPSC/BPSC/FPSC general knowledge paper (100 MCQ paper only).
No concerns whoever makes and from whatever angle paper is made.
It will help you guys to fix your drawbacks rather than getting burden of useless lectures , academies and their notes. Avoid the wastage of money and keep remember no one can stuff the talent inside you, the only thing they can stuff is to pass you through same things again and again which makes you only a good follower.
e.g. if I ask what was “paperclip” historically no one knows or if I ask what is “CPA” in language no one knows too until I mention that former was a code name about German scientists and later is an attack in oracle over text. That’s what I mean to say that every thing is not over Google search but everything is in brain. It doesn't mean that learning is got by psychic inheritance but practice makes perfect.
For instance how to break the statement fhsadVO7 which you eat daily? Billions can’t but few can. Smiles

Its my effort to publish it here and hope that GK will never ever again be a problem to you.

Here are 4 sections included for this crack.
If you choose any random 2 sections together you will be able to gain only 25 marks, If you choose 4 sections randomly you will be able to get 50 marks , If you choose 6 sections randomly you will be able to get 75 marks and if you choose all 8 sections you will get 100 marks,
Keep noticed that not a single percent probability is that you will ever loose a single mark.

Aim is to challenge the paper setter/setters that how they can break this crack. The only thing he/she can is “Not to fix the paper from all 8 Sections but to set the paper less than 8 sections here which will definitely increase the probability of student to beat in much easy way.
The second aim is to stop academies to make you fool by purchasing their useless materials.
CSS, PMS and PCS aspirants will find it a miracle.
Something new something beneficial at ZERO rupee cost. Rock the trouble, its no more!

Section I
i)International Organizations, Year of establishment and Current Heads
ii)Vitamins, sources and deficiencies harms over specific parts
iii) Famous Days Celebrated, Famous Alternate Names & Famous Cities over the banks of famous rivers
iv)Famous persons of history and the cause of their fame , e.g Florence Nightingale , Mother Tresa , Alexander Fleming etc
v) a) Famous Novels & Political Books of Famous Non Muslims Authors
b) Famous Books written by Famous Muslims during 1857-1947 era.
vi) Governor Generals of British India & Famous Pacts made during their reign.
vii) Ghazwas (Abwa to Tabuk) with reference to Hijri note and Famous Pacts b/w Muslim & Non muslims during this era.
viii) Famous persons in history of Islam e.g M.Bin Qasim, Masaab Bin Umair ,Khalid Bin Waleed,Maaz Bin Jabal, Abdullah Bin Saba and cause of their fame.
ix)Planets & asteroids characteristics e.g hottest, brightest ,distance from earth etc
x)Mathematical Percentage and Ratio Questions from Tank Filling , Length cuts and Age puzzles.

Section II
i) Top TEN richest persons of world biographies, work and Cause of fame.
ii) Famous Airlines, Ports & Desert of World (Their locations and Significance geographically)
iii) Head Quarters (Cities) of famous International Organizations
iv) a) Pakistan highest Civil and Military Awards & Award Winners
b) Highest Military Awards of G20 countries
v) Famous Geographical Discoverers details (Nationality & Work) .e.g. Amundsen, Vasco De Gama etc
vi) National Emblems & National Symbols of super powers of WWI & WWII.
vii) Parliament Names of Politically Instable / International Offensive countries , e.g Myanmar , Syria etc
viii) Important years of Important occurrences ,e.g. Hindi Urdu Controversies, Reshmi Romal, Jallianwala Bagh incident etc
ix) Prizes details , origin, winners (Man Booker Prize, Nobel Prize, Oscar/Academy Award , ICC hall of fame entries )
x) Famous Originators of World (e.g S , RC , HRM , AI)

Section III
i) Pakistan 1st , 2nd Constituent Assemblies & 1956,1962,1973 constitution basics (e.g promulgation,reign,amendments in 73 ,5year plans etc)
ii) Martial Laws in Pakistan basics (e.g reason,abrogation of gov't,reign,key dates,administrator etc)
iii)French , Russian ,Chinese & American revolution key dates,freedom fighters ,independence day and National Hero's basics)
iv) Largest in Pakistan (Barrage,Dams,Units,Industry,Road,Parks,Import&Exp ort)
v) Highest in Pakistan (Road,Dam,Buildings,Passes,Railway station & city)
vi) Passes and Tunnels in Pakistan connecting multiple cities and connecting countries.
vii) Pakistan's solar capacity and dams capacity
viii)Ranges of missiles made by Pakistan
ix) Most famous {Canals linking , Straits , Presidents roles & reigns ,Doctrines ,International forums e.g ECO ,Shanghai C etc ,Crusades ,Glaciers}
x ) Famous religions ,their founders and worship places ,Books and their existence in countries PLUS countries with highest percentages of Unique religions regarding magnitude.

Section IV
i) Famous metals and substances present in the surface of earth details(major & minor)
ii) World's famous waterfalls(including their location and height),News Agencies & scientific measuring instruments.
iii)Famous Museums & Churches of UK ,America & Spain.
iv)Internationally recognized famous Symbols. e.g Cross , Wheel , Bear etc
v)Top 7 highest Mountain Peaks(their heights , location and making partition of regions)
vi) Famous economic terms (e.g Inflation , Bullish etc) PLUS famous Political terms (e.g de jure ,absent vote , deontology etc)
vii)Tennis ,Football ,Cricket ,Polo , Snooker & Hockey famous players,world cup names and world cup years including specific names given to apparatus used in it.
viii)Official Residences of PM's & Presidents PLUS Official Books names&colors.
ix)Famous books of Fiqah in Islam
x)Number of famous Muslims presence & leadership w.r.t Ghazwa's fought.