Ans: Begum Jahanara Shanawas
2. Which national leader was popularly known as 'Dadasaheb'?
Ans: G V Mavalankar
3. Who was the Political Guru' of Mohammed All Jinnah?
Ans: Gopal Krishna Gokhale
4. Name the archaeologist who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun?
Ans: Howard Carter
5. Who was the Dewan of Travancore at the time of the Temple Entry proclamation?
Ans: C P Ramaswamy Iyyer
6. Which famous English poet wrote the introduction for Gitanjali's English translation?
Ans: W B Yeats
7. Which metal produces golden color in the flame test?
Ans: Iron
8. Whose birthday is observed as National Women's Day in India?
Ans: Sarojini Naidu (February-13)
9. Which test is done to determine the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water samples?
Ans: The Winkler Test
10. Who was the Governor of the Reserve Bank at the time the Indian coinage system shifted to the decimal coinage?
Ans: HVR lyenkar
11. Which nationalised bank was founded by Lala Lajpat Rai in 1895?
Ans: The Punjab National Bank
12. Which grassland is situated on both sides of the equator roughly between 5 degrees north & south?
Ans: Savanna
13. What is the name of the belt of marshy grasslands located south of the outer foothills of the Himalaya?
Ans: Terai
14. Who is the author of 'Bandi Jeevan', known as the 'bible of revolutionaries in India'?
Ans: Sachindra Sanyal
15. Which regional office of the Reserve Bank of India holds most of India's gold reserves?
Ans: Nagpur
16. The national personification of which country is 'Jock Tamson'?
Ans: Scotland
17. India's which neighbouring country's national river is Irrawady?
Ans: Myanmar
18. Which is the only Union Territory having representation in the Rajya Sabha?
Ans: Puducherry
19. Which Amendment to the Constitution was recommended by the Sardar Swaran Singh Committee?
Ans: 42nd Amendment
20. Who is the author of 'Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations'?
Ans: Gunnar Myrdal
21. Which country's name is derived from the Latin name of silver?
Ans: Argentina
22. Bamboo is the national tree of?
Ans: Saint Lucia
23. Which was the period of the Great Indian Famine?
Ans: 1876-78
24. Which decade is declared as 'the Decade of Inventions' by the Government of India?
Ans: 2010-2020
25. Which was India's first swadeshi movement steel plant?
Ans: Bokaro Steel Plant
26. Which political leader's nickname was 'the Lion of Bombay'?
Ans: Pherozshah Mehta
27. Who is the first Indian to win two consecutive Olympic medals in the individual items?
Ans: Sushil Kumar
28. Vajrayana Buddhism is the state religion of _____?
Ans: Bhutan
29. Which Gulf nation has its independent day on August-15?
Ans: Bahrain
30. Which was India's first Earth Observation Satellite?
Ans: Bhaskara-I
31. In which country is the Hindu Raj mountains situated?
Ans: Pakistan