Current Affairs Updates for today :-
International Day for Older Persons (Senior Citizens Day) observed on 1st October 2015

- International Day for Older Persons (Senior Citizens Day) observed on 01st October 2015 under the theme ‘Sustainability and Age Inclusiveness in the Urban Environment’. Vayoshreshta Samman given to distinguished senior citizens.
Global Competitiveness Index 2015 released by World Economic Forum
- According to Global Competitiveness Index 2015 released by World Economic Forum on 30th September 2015 on 140 countries. Switzerland topped the list for 7th consecutive year while India ranked at 55th position as compared to 71st position in the last year.
G-20 summit 2018 will be held in India

- G-20 summit 2018 will be held in India while 2016 held in China and 2017 held in Germany and 2015 is in Antalya, Turkey.
Kartik Chandran awarded with MacArthur Fellow

- Kartik Chandran, an Indian-American Associate Professor named as MacArthur Fellow on 30th September 2015. He also awarded with National Academies of Science Fellowship, National Science Foundation Career Award etc.
China successfully launched 20th Satellite for BeiDou Navigation System
- China successfully launched 20th Satellite for BeiDou Navigation System on 30th September 2015 using Long March 3-B carrier rocket. It is 2nd generation of navigation system of China.
Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC) Bank started its operations in India with 23 branches

- Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC) Bank started its operations in India on 01st October 2015 with 23 branches in Mumbai, Delhi and Madhya Pradesh initially.
Palestine became 1st non-member country of United Nations who raised its flag

- Palestine became 1stnon-member country of United Nations who raised its flag on 30thSeptember 2015 at UN Headquarter New York as hosted by President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas.