100% Gurantee to Remove Footer Credit Link from Blogger Template

Many websites like templateism, templateify, waythemes etc. are available on the internet which provides very stylish blogger template at very low cost. If you purchase their template than that template will not contain any credit link. These websites also provide most of the free blogger template with Non-removable credit link. Means, what? If you'll try to remove credit link from their template, then your blog will automatically redirect to their website (Homepage or a particular site). This is because they added some JavaScript into their free templates. In other hand, if you undo the changes and keep their original credit of template then it works perfectly.

Some days ago, I have visited one of these types of Blogger template websites where I have seen what? that some peoples (newbies blogger) are requesting how to remove credit/footer link from their template and the admin and other staff members are making jokes of that requests which result in creation of this topic.

Basically, newbies blogger don't want to invest money in purchasing any premium template and thus, use these types of free template for their blog. Many of them are trying to remove credit link but unsuccessful, if you are one of them then no need to wait more. Because here I have shared the method by which you can remove footer link and stop redirecting to any website.

How to Remove Credit Link?
Actually, these links are attached with some JavaScript or CSS. Finding JavaScript from the template and then removing is too boring and time-consuming also it requires lot's of effort to do this. But in other hand, you can easily hide the credit/footer link via CSS. This method is very simple and takes only 2 minutes.

Steps to Remove Credit/Footer Link:
First of all go to Blogger.com
Just Login to your Blogger Profile and select your blog.
Now go to Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML.
Edit Blogger Template

Go to the footer and find the credit/footer link which needs to remove/hide. You'll find something like Copyright, credit or designed etc (Like the picture shown below).
Add the following line with your original copyright ID. (As shown in picture below).

style="visibility: hidden"
Now, you need to Save your Template.
Some of you are searching on the internet how to remove footer credit link and convert free blogger template into premium. So, I hope this tutorial helps you. Share your idea/suggestion/feedback related to articles I publish here. Thanks, and stay tuned.