Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana - Housing for All

housing for all

The Government of India had launched housing for all by year 2022 , now renamed as Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana.This scheme was launched by Prime Minster Shri Narendra Modi on 25th June 2015.Under this scheme 305 cities has been identified in 9 states to begin construction of houses for Urban poor with target of 2 crore houses to be built for urban year by year 2022 .This scheme will be administered by Ministry for Housing and Urban Poverty alleviation.

This scheme is one of the ambitious scheme launched for infrastructure development to meet the demand for housing .The target of this scheme is

Economically weaker section ,Low income group urban poor, Schedule Castes and Schedule tribes who don’t own a house . 305 cities and towns in nine of these states have been identified for building houses for urban poor. These include -

States No. Of cities In each state
Chattisgarh 36
Gujarat 30
Jammu & Kashmir 19
Jharkhand 15
Kerala 15
Madhya Pradesh 74
Odisha 42
Rajasthan 40
Telangana 34

Under this scheme government will provide financial assistance of 1lakh to 2.5 lakh depends on different component of scheme like redevelopment of slums ,Credit linked Subsidy scheme on loan avails to construct houses by urban poor or Affordable housing project.

This scheme will be implemented in Three phases :-

Phase 1
from 2015-2017, 100 cities will be develop .

Phase 2
from 2017-2019 ,200 cities will be develop.

Phase 3
from 2019-2022, remaining cities will be develop. But there are many challenges associated with this scheme like co-ordination between central and state government and different implementing agencies and availability of land .So these challenges have to overcome for success of this scheme.

==>> Download Narendra Modi Schemes in PDF