General Awareness Quiz - 27 September 2015

General Awareness Quiz for today :-

1. Who appointed as Sherpa for G-20 Summit ?

2. G-20 Summit 2015 held at which place ?

3. Who is the Prime Minister of United Kingdom ?

4. United Nations have ___ member countries ?

5. Name the agenda adopted recently by United Nations General Assembly ?

6. 1st conference on contemporary relevance of Bhagvad Gitaheld at which place ?

7. Who is the President of Indonesia ?

8. Which is the Capital and Currency of Indonesia ?

9. Which organization awarded with SKOCH Award for Smart Government ?

10. European Union imposed anti-dumping duty on imports of India sewage and water steel pipes for which duration ?

11. Who is the Director General of Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO) ?

12. Where is the Headquarter of ISRO ?

13. Where is the Headquarter of DRDO ?

14. Where is the Headquarter of Federation of Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and who is the President ?

15. Where is the Headquarter of International Hockey Federation ?

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