Competitive Exam Model Question Paper

1. What is the minimum age to contest in the Panchayat elections?
Ans: 21 Years

2. What is known as Emergency Hormone';
Ans: Adrenaline

3. In which year India joined United Nations;
Ans: 1945 October

4. ‘Jayasamhita’ was the former name of;
Ans: Mahabharata

5. Which article of the Constitution mentions about the organisation of Grama Panchayats;
Ans: Article 40

6. National Voters Day is observed on;
Ans: January 25

7. The only Malayalee to become the Governor of Kerala is;
Ans: V. Viswanathan

8. Which agitation lead to the formation of Public Service Commission in Travancore;
Ans: Nivarthana Agitation

9. In India, the largest single item of Government expenditure is in;
(a) Education      (b) Health           (c) Defence          (d) Agriculture
Ans: c

10. The only woman ruler of Delhi Razia Sultan belongs to the Dynasty of;
Ans: Slave Dynasty

11. When the door of an operating refrigerator is opened, temperature of the room will;
(a) Increase         (b) Decrease
(c) No change     (d) First decrease, then increases
Ans: a

12. The vitamin which is not found in vegetables & fruits;
Ans: Vitamin D

13. Who was the first to introduce token currency system in India;
Ans: Muhammad bin Tughlaq

14. Altai Takht is the supreme religious body of;
Ans: Sikhs

15. Who is the author of Kalyana Sougandhikam Attakkatha;
Ans: Kottayam Thampuran

16. Justice KG Balakrislman was the _____ th Chief Justice of India;
Ans: 37

17. The Right to Information Laws was first successfully enacted by the state government of;
Ans: Rajasthan

18. Who was known as 'the Lady of Indian Cinema';
Ans: Devika Rani

19. Total medals won by India at the London Olympics 2012;
Ans: 6

20. The only Vice President of India to die in office;
Ans: Krishan Kant

21) Expand EDVAC
a) Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
b) Electronic Direct Valve Automatic Computer
c) Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator
d) Electronic Direct Valve Automatic Calculator
Ans: a

22) VSLI chips are used in
a) 1st Generation Computers          b) 2nd Generation Computers
c) 3rd Generation Computers        d) 4th Generation Computers
Ans: d

23) Which of the following is not an integral part of a computer?
a) CPU       b) UPS       c) RAM      d) SMPS
Ans: b

24) isthe process of carrying out commands
a) Fetching          b) Sorting           c) Executing        d) Relaying
Ans: c

25) How many standard codes are there in ASCII?
a) 64                    b) 128         c) 256         d) 512
Ans: b

26) The simultaneous processing of two or more programs by multiple processors is.
a) Multitasking             b) Multiprocessing
c) Time sharing            d) Multiprogramming
Ans: d

27) Vector images are made using the software?
a) Paint                b) Corel Draw     c) Photoshop       d) Office Draw
Ans: b

28) Cache memoryacts between
a) RAM and ROM                  b) CPU and RAM
c) ROM and Hard disk                    d) CPU and Hard Disk
Ans: b

29) What is Degauss?
a) Writing on a magnetic media     b) Erasing a CPU instruction
c) Writing on a flash drive              d) Erasing a magnetic media
Ans: d

30) The main purpose of time sharing technique used in computers is to make the best use of the:
a) CPU       b) Peripherals     c) Secondary Storage   d) BIOS  
Ans: a

31 & 32: Spot the error:

31. He wasn't (a)/the least effected (b)/by the news (c)/. No error (d).
Ans: b (affected)

32. You need take (a)/this medicine (b)/on alternative days only (c)/ No error (d).
Ans: c (alternate)

33. Choose one word for 'one who rides horses in races'.
(a) joker               (b) juggler           (c) draper            (d) jockey
Ans: d

34. Every child should go to school at _____ age of six
(a) an          (b) the        (c) a            (d) some
Ans: b

35. Remember, there is no _____ to hard work.
 (a) alternative     (b) alternate        (c) alternation     (d) alteration
Ans: a

36. Choose the correct verb form to fill in the gap: Before we went very far, we found that we _____ our way.
(a) lost        (b) lose       (c) have lost         (d) had lost
Ans: d

37. Choose the correct the passive voice of: They say he is a spy.
(a) He is said to be a spy.                          (b) He was said to be a spy.
(c) He was said to have been a spy.          (d) It is said he was a spy.
Ans: a

38. “How much do you think it will cost?" he said.
(Choose the correct indirect form.)
(a) He asked how much I think it will cost.
(b) He asked how much I thought it would cost.
(c) He asked how much did I think it would cost.
(d) He asked how much you thought it would cost.
Ans: b

39. Choose the correct preposition to fill in the gap:
   His indifference _____ pleasures and pains makes hints different person.
(a) on         (b) at          (c) to                    (d) for
Ans: c

40. A synonym for 'obeisance' is
(a) homage          (b) obedience      (c) obstinacy       (d) arrogance
Ans: a