31DC2015 - Day 26; Houndstooth in black and pink

Today it's inspired by a pattern and my favorite pattern is houndstooth. So of course I decided to use that today. To save some time I decided to stamp my pattern.. at the moment I only have Konad's plate with the pattern and it's super tiny so I had to stamp each nail twice (and therefor they're not perfect but irl no one would notice I think). I used a hot pink base and then stamped and finished it of with some color changing glitter making it looking deliciously candy jelly looking imho. They looked much nicer irl but the glitter wanted to hide from the camera. Hope you'll like them. :)

Polishes used:
Yes Love -G25-3
Fanatica - no 708

MoYou - Special Black nail polish
Konad image plate - M63

***Some products in this post have been provided for review (press samples), however it has not changed my opinion about them.***