31DC2015 - Day 23; Green Lantern nail art

Today I'm inspired by a movie and that is the Green Lantern. To be honest I haven't seen the actual movie yet (somehow it feels like the green lantern never has been hyped in sweden? That includes comics and movie) but those of you who have seen it, was it worth it? The reason I did choose it was to also be able to also take part in Karin's Green Wednesday which I've sadly been forced to neglect most parts during this challenge.

Anyhow, the base in a neon saran wrap jelly sandwich, yup you heard it right and I will show pictures alone of it when it this challenge is over. ;) And then I freehanded the rest with black polish, striping polish and a dotting tool. I decided to make the symbol with the negative space method and I much liked the result. :)

Polishes used:
Beauty Women - Monster Mash
Essence - Love Is In The Air, swatch here 
Essence - Black Is Back
R de L Young - Black

The 31 Day Challenge 2015 - Day 23 - Inspired by a Movie

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.