Ans: Storage
2. At sunset, the sun looks reddish:
Ans: Scattering of light
3. Sudden and heritable change occurs in chromosome:
Ans: Mutation
4. Loss of water in the form of vapour through stomata:
Ans: Transpiration
5. Gems are located in:
Ans: Chromosome
6. Chemical name of "AJINOMOTO"
Ans: Monosodium glutamate
7. Focal length of a plane mirror is:
Ans: Infinite
8. Common name of acetic acid is:
Ans: Vinegar
9. Type of lense used in magnifying glass:
Ans: Convex
10. Metal, which kept in kerosene:
Ans: Sodium & Potassium
11. Which film is the 2013 Oscar best picture winner?
Ans: 12 years a slave
12. Who are the two former Popes of Catholic Church declared saints by Pope Francis on April 27, 2014?
Ans: John XXIII & John Paul II
13. Which country is hosting the FIFA World Cup 2014?
Ans: Brazil
14. Who won the national award for bed actor 2013 for Ida role in Perariyathavar.
Ans: Suraj Venjaramoode
15. Which Indian writer was killed by Taliban in Afghanistan?
Ans: Susmitha Banergy
16. Prime Minister Narendra Modi belong to which national coalition?
Ans: NDA
17. Which Prime Ministers of Thailand was ordered to step down by Constitutional court of Thailand on 7 May 2014?
Ans: Yingluck Shinawartra
18. Which date was observed as "Malala Day" by United Nations in 2013?
Ans: 12th July
19. The world's biggest building “New Century Global Centre” is built in which city?
Ans: Chengdu
20. Which part of Ukrain is voted to join Russia?
Ans: Crimea
21. The Satyagraha which is considered to be the forerunner of Gandhiji’s hunger strikes in India:
Ans: Champaran
22. The nationalist leader who exposed the exploitation of the British Rule in India:
Ans: Dadabhai Naoroji
23. Asia's largest road cum Rail Bridge is built across the river:
Ans: Godavari
24. The Manchester of India:
Ans: Ahmadabad
25. Which monsoon brings the dry, cool and dense Central Asian air masses to large parts of India?
Ans: North East Monsoon
26. The scheme started by the Indian government in order to provide food to senior citizens who cannot take care of themselves.
Ans: Annapurna
27. The oldest Indian mountain range
Ans: Aravalli Range
28. Which type of soil constitutes most of the total land surface in India?
Ans: Alluvial Soil
29. The City which is known to be the Kashmir of Rajasthan?
Ans: Udaipur
30. The British governor general in India during the Great Rebellion:
Ans: Lord Canning
31.The Vaikom Sathyagraha was started on:
Ans: 1924 March 30
32. The most important incident of Quit India Movement in Kerala was:
Ans: Kirnariyur bomb case
33. The author of 'Atmopadesa Satakam':
Ans: Sree Narayana Guru
34.'Hortus Malabaricus' was the contribution of:
Ans: Dutch
35. Which is known as 'Magnacarta of Travancore'?
Ans: Temple entry proclamation
36. The Abstention Movement was started in:
Ans: 1932
37. 'Yokashema Sabha' was founded by:
Ans: V.T. Bhattatirippad
38. The leader of ‘Ezhava Memorial':
Ans: Dr. Palpu
39. The lines connecting places of equal air pressure:
Ans: Isobars
40. Pedology is the scientific study of:
Ans: Soils