Objective Questions in English

Choose the word which is most opposite ho meaning to the word underlined:

1. His meanness is proverbial
(a) wickedness              (b) Cruelty
(c) Generosity               (d) Timidity
Ans: c

2. This is a trivial matter
(a) Important               (b) Serious
(c) Unimportant                    (d) Easy
Ans: a

3. This is not ideology but pragmatic language teaching
(a) Improper       (b) Imperfect
(c) Impossible     (d) Impractical
Ans: d

4. She detests government jobs.
(a) Adores            (b) Neglects
(c) Hates             (d) Argues
Ans: a

5. They had an insipid conversation
(a) Dull                (b) Lively
(c) Spiritless        (d) Loud
Ans: b

Pick up the correct synonyms:

6. Wary
(a) Quick             (b) Tired
(c) Cautious         (d) Slow
Ans: c

7.  Hallowed
(a) Sacred            (b) Insulted
(c) Decayed         (d) Projected
Ans: a

8. Requite
(a) Refuse           (b) Reject
(c) Reject             (d) Respect
Ans: b

9. Foster
(a) Nurture                   (b) Enchant
(c) Demand         (d) Encourage
Ans: a

10. Vent
(a) End                 (b) Beginning
(c) Last                (d) Opening
Ans: d

Choose the right word:

11. His faith was never _____. 
(a) Wavered         (b) Waved
(r) Waived           (d) Weighed
Ans: a

12. You can look at the problem from a number of _____.    
(a) Prospectives            (b) Phrophesy
(c) Perspectives            (d) Purposes
Ans: c

13. They spoke very _____ in our favour
(a) Partly             (b) Partiality
(c) Parting                    (d) Partially
Ans: d

14. The judge gave a clear and _____ summing up of the case
(a) Perspicuous            (b) Patent
(c) Prescriptive             (d) Presume
Ans: a

15. He never lost a somewhat _____ faith in human goodness
(b) Childish    (b) Childhood
(c) Childlike         (d) Child
Ans: c

Choose the correct meaning of the idiomatic expression given:

16. Will o' the wisp
(a) To act in a foolish way.        (b) lb have desires unbacked by efforts.
(c) Anything which deceives    (d) lb act in a childish way
Ans: b

17. Hard-pressed
(a) Insulted          (b) Disciplined
(c) Bewildered     (d) In difficulties
Ans: d

18. Moot point
(a) Undecided      (b) Unknown
(c) Uncertain       (d) Unhappy
Ans: a

19. Hole and corner
(a) Love               (b) Character
(c) Secret             (d) Wisdom
Ans: c

20. Pell-mell
(a) In a hurry      (b) In a heap
(c) In a minute    (d) In a disorderly way
Ans: d

Select the appropriate word to fill the gap:

21. She lives in a world of _____
(a) Illusions            (b) Allusions
(c) Conclusions       (d) Delusions
Ans: a

22. Ambition is one of those _____ which are never satisfied
(a) Ideas               (b) Passions
(c) Needs             (d) Fancies
Ans: b

23. This is a _____ translation of the speech
 (a) Verbal           (b) Literary
(c) Verbatim       (d) Literal
Ans: d

24. He wanted -to help _____ poverty
(a) Diminish        (b) Deplete
(c) Dwindle          (d) Reduce
Ans: d

25. Health is too important to be _____
 (a) Despised       (b) Discarded
(c) Neglected       (d) Detested
Ans: c

Find out which part of the following sentence has an error:

26: 'Meatless Days' (a)/have been made (b)/Into a fihn (c)/no error (d)
Ans: b

27. I was there (a)/many a times (b)/ in the past (c)/ No error (d)
Ans: a

28. Students should work (a)/hard in order to (b)/build their carrier (c)/ No error (d)
Ans: c

29. I am sure that (a)/neither the house nor its contents (b)/ is for sale (c)/No error (d)
Ans: c

30. How long (a)/ Were you (b)/ learning English for (c)/No error (d).
Ans: b

Complete the sentences:

31. It is _____ 
     (a) Easier walking than running   (b) Easier to walk than to run
     (c) Easier walking to running.     (d) Easier Walking than to running
Ans: b

32. I wish _____ 
(a) I am with him                   (b) 1 were with him
(c)I have been with him        (d) I can with Min
Ans: b

33. The more they earn, _____
(a) more they spend               (b) more they spending
(c) more they are spending   (d) the more they spend
Ans: d

34. Bad habits must be _____ 
(a) nipped on the bud            (b) nipped out of the bud
(c) nipped of the bud             (d) nipped in the bud
Ans: d

35. She could not help _____    
(a) but laugh                 (b) but laughed
(c) but laughing            (d) but laughter
Ans: c