Research style selection

Research design
In this study the data will be collect by using the qualitative interview because qualitative interview is a good and special conversation and knowledge producing source that accurse between two parties. For conducting interview the interviewer need to develop good relation with respondent to seek the meaningful knowledge for study. Open ended questions will use in this study.  In open ended interview the researcher has specific topic of research but during interview according to will of the participant conversation can be enhanced because we want to explore the new ideas about study habits and attitude.
In this research, interview was used to collect the information from the participants. Semi structure interviews were conducted to deal with the investigation the study habits of students and to get the feedback of the students about their study habits.

In this study, semi-structured interviews were included into the study design because the interviewer generally has a framework of themes to be explored with the help of our subject.  Open ended questions were used. Open ended questions are thought to allow an individual time, scope and allowing new ideas to be brought up during the interview as a result of what the interviewee says. Conversations in the interviews were aimed at generating free-flowing information exchanges related to the students' real reality.