Blood Relations Reasoning Shortcut Tricks

In Blood Relations certain information is given about the members of the family in the question, Based on that information we need to find out the relationship between particular member of the family. Generally the question deals with hierarchical structure which is based on seven generation three above & three below like this:

Generation Male Female
Three generations above↑↑↑ Great grandfather
Maternal great grandfather
Great grandfather-in-law
Great grandmother
Maternal great grandmother
Great grandmother-in-law
Two generations above ↑↑ Grandfather
Maternal grandfather
Maternal grandmother
One generations above ↑ Father, Uncle,
Maternal uncle, Father-in-law
Mother, Aunt
Maternal aunt, Mother-in-law
Current generation(Self) → Husband, Brother
Cousin, Brother-in-law
Wife, Sister
Cousin, Sister-in-law
One generation below ↓ Son
Two generations below ↓↓ Grandson
Grand daughter
Grand daughter-in-law
Three generations below ↓↓↓ Great grandson
Great grandson-in-law
Great grand daughter
Great grand daughter-in-law

Important Blood Relations

Father of grandfather or grandmother Great grandfather Daughter of father or mother Sister
Mother of grandfather or grandmother Great grandmother Son of second wife of father Step brother
Father of father or mother Grandfather Daughter of second wife of father Step sister
Mother of father or mother Grandmother Son/daughter of uncle/aunt Cousin
Wife of grandfather Grandmother Brother of husband or wife Brother-in-law
Husband of grandmother Grandfather Sister of husband or wife Sister-in-law
Father-in-law of father/mother Grandfather Husband of sister/sister-in-law Brother-in-law
Mother-in-law of father/mother Grandmother Son of father Oneself/Brother
Father’s father/mother only Father Mother of son/daughter Oneself/Wife
Only daughter-in-law of father’s father/father’s mother Mother Father of daughter/son Oneself/husband
Husband of mother Father Son of son of grandmother/grandfather Brother/Oneself
Wife of father Mother Daughter of son of grandmother/grandfather Cousin/Oneself
Second wife of father Step mother Son of brother or sister Nephew
Brother of father Uncle Daughter of brother/sister Niece
Brother of mother Maternal Uncle Grandson of father/mother Son/Nephew
Sister of father Aunt Granddaughter of father/mother Daughter or Niece
Sister of mother Maternal Aunt Husband of daughter Son-in-law
Husband of aunt Uncle Wife of brother/brother-in-law Sister-in-law
Wife of uncle Aunt Wife of son Daughter-in-law
Son of grandfather/grandmother Father/Uncle Son of son/Daughter Grandson
Daughter of father-in-law/mother-in-law of father Mother/Aunt Daughter of son/Daughter Granddaughter
Father of wife/husband Father-in-law Son’s/Daughter’s grandson Great Grandson
Mother of wife/husband Mother-in-law Son’s/Daughter’s granddaughter Great granddaughter
Children of same parents Siblings
Father’s/Mother’s only son/daughter Oneself
Son of father or mother Brother

Representation through diagram






  • Based on Dialogue or Conversation
  • Based on Puzzles
  • Based on Symbolically Coded 

# Conversation or Dialogue

In this type of question.the one person talking to or doing chit -chat with other person giving information throw  pointing to some picture or person.
Madhu said, pointing to Shreya, " His mother is my fmother's only daughter".How Madhu is related to Shreya?
a) Father b) Son c) Grandson d) Mother e) None of these

Pointing to a man in a photograph, a man said to a woman, "His mother is the only daughter of your father".How is the woman related to the man in the photograph?

a)Sister b) Mother c) Wife d) Daughter e) None of these

# Based on Puzzles

In this type of question ,You have to conclude the relation between two given person based on more than one information given in the question. 
A is the mother of B. B is the sister of C. D is the son of C. E is the brother of D. F is the mother of E. G is the granddaughter of A. H has only two children B and C.

Q1. How F related to H?
a) Son-in-law
b) Daughter-in-law
c) Father-in-law
e) Cannot be determined

Q2. How is C related to E?
b) Son
c) Mother
d) Cousin brother
e) Cannot be determined

Q3. Who is the mother of G?
a) C
b) B
c) F
d) Either B or F
e) Either C or F


Sol: Option (b)
 From the above diagram it is clear that F is daughter-in-law of H.
Sol: Option (a) 
 From the above diagram.It is clear that C is father of E.
Sol: Option (b)
 From the above diagram it is clear that B is mother of G.

# Symbols 

In this type of question information are coded in the form of ∆#$%&*÷+ etc,..

Read the following information carefully and then answer the question given below.
a)A∆B means A is mother of B
b) A $B means A is sister of B
c) A*B means A is father of B
d) A #B means A is brother of B

Q1. Which of the following means R is uncle of T?
a) R*P#S∆Q$T b)S*P#R*U#T c) P*R#Q$S*T d)P*R$Q$S*T e) None of these

q2. Which of the following means L is paternal grandfather of O ?
a) L*R$M#K#O b)R*L∆P#K$O c) L*M∆R*K#O d) L*R#M*K#O e) None of these



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