Pakistani Mineral Water, Aquafina & Nestle Controversy Exposed(Video)

For the last couple of days, a video claiming to expose Nestle and Aquafina, two of the leading mineral water brands in Pakistan, is going viral over social media, specifically on Facebook. In that video, around half a dozen unidentified men performing an experiment for the quality-check for the mineral water of Nestle and Aquafina. On the basis of test result, a man declares that people are being given poison in the name of mineral water. 

A comment on the Video briefly explains the procedure of this experiment, It says
"The video shows the process of electrolysis, which is misleading and irrelevant for determining the quality of water. The equipment displayed has positive and negative terminals. Whenever the electrolysis process will occur, it will decompose the copper electrode and copper will dissolve in water, resulting in the appearance of color in the water. All bottled water would react in this manner to varying degrees, depending on mineral composition."

He further added,
"The quality and safety of our products are always the top priority for our company. In fact, microbiological analyses and quality control testing on pH and minerals is done at our water factories to conform to quality standards stipulated by Nestlé, the Government of Pakistan and the World Health Organization. Our bottled water is evaluated every three months by the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) and the Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources (PCRWR). Nestlé bottled water has been declared ‘safe’ by the PSQCA in each evaluation since the Authority began evaluating bottled water in 2009, and the PCRWR again confirmed the safety of our bottled water in its latest report."

Another man, Hassam Bin Akhtar, posted on the same page that,

I’m 19 years old and have been drinking Nestle water since I was born. I’m still alive, healthy, 6 feet 3 inches tall and 90kg, never had any disease Masha Allah, this is a scheme to defame nestle probably.”
Well, I can not currently tell you that this is True or not as, a brief research, or at minimum, just thorough reading of the comments below the video shows that is either the story is planted controversy against these brands, specifically Nestle, or the people in video have very limited knowledge of chemistry.