How to setup FIFA 13 not to LAG

The easiest way to get your FIFA 13 up and going without lagging on your PC or Laptop which is literally known by many as dragging, is just to follow these steps am going to show you guys on how to setup FIFA 13 not to lag or you can simply watch the video below to understand it fully well.
The purpose am dropping this post is to help you guys learn the easiest step to run your FIFA 13 smoothly on your systemthis and also the in game
configuration setting.

Specification of most systems that can run FIFA 13:-
i. What mainly helps a game play perfectly well is the random access memory known as the RAM. You must have  at least 3GB of RAM.

ii. Another thing that really matters on your system is the processor speed, which is measured in GHZ. The minimum amount that can run FIFA 13 smoothly is about 1.8 to infinity.

Let me not bore you guys with some of the tips and theories,  now lets get to business. Now follow the steps below to get it on and working.

How to setup FIFA 13 and 14 not to lag

How to setup FIFA 13 and 14 not to lag

1. After the installation of the FIFA by carefully following the steps of the installation text on the CD of the FIFA 13.

2. Before you launch your game, make sure your system does not have some softwares on, if on, endeavor turn them of to free up space , then go to the configuration settings.

3. You need to resize your aspect ratio for better view and good quality, now go to windows aspect ratio and change it to 1360×768 because this is for fullscreen.

4. And also don't forget to select fullscreen because you are not gonna enjoy the game on windowed view.

5. Your Rendering quality:- Set this area to very low rendering quality because many system still drags when on low rendering. This removes the fans from the pitch or stadium entirely. This will at least make it a less bit free and not to lag.

6. MSAA Options:- Put it off because this affects frame rate. Frame rate is just the amount of skip rate that is, assuming you passed a ball, the speed it used to getting to the player by movement of the frame of your screen is know as the frame rate.

7. Frame Rate:-  Set this to lock to 30fps. Like I said above, this also counts for better view in other not to make your eye strain.

8. Rendering Options:-
(i). Wait For Vsync:- Disable this.

(ii).Disble Windows Aero Theme:- Disable this too.

And now you are ready to play your game click OK and launch your game. There is another thing that matters your in game configuration. Let me show you how to configure your game both to mark players because you won't enjoy the game without it being like the normally PlayStation configuration.

Create a new settings file. Click on No. I want to choose my settings. Then you can now decide on the skill level you want. Press OK and you will see controller setup.

Click on configure my own.
For computer Twin pad or normal computer pad. You will see classic use the up and down keys to navigate.
For Attack:-Change the Lob Pass/Cross/Header entitled [X] with Shot /volley/Header entitled [B].

How to setup FIFA 13 and 14 not to lag

Then press R1 to change page to Defence. Change  or swap Sliding Tackle [X] with Tackle/Push or Pull (when chasing). Then save and choose your team.

Go to:- Game Settings, under this you can set the time, difficulty level, degree but set the game speed to fast. And use L1 and R1 to change page.
Go to Camera,  under it change Single player Telebroadcast and multiplayer camera to Telebroadcast.
Go to camera settings and change it to custom and the the camera height to 20 and camera zoom as 0.

Change page to Visual:-
HUD:-  Player Name and Indicator
Player Indicator:- Player Name
Change page to Rules:- change all to ON.
Change page to User Game play Customization:-
Sprint speed- user:- 54
Acceleration- user:- 54
Shot speed- user:- 52.

Go to controls and you will see the controller settings.
Auto switching: - Auto
Auto switching  move: - High
Passing Power Assistance:- On
Pass assistance:- Assisted
Through ball assistance:-  Assisted
Shot assistance:- Assisted
Cross  assistance:- Assisted
Lob pass assistance:- Assisted
Save assistance:- Assisted
Analog sprint:- ON
Defending:- Legacy Defending

Then you are done. I hope I didn't bore you with this post. You can now play your game and enjoy it. And also you can also upgrade your players. It is very easy to do so just go to edit teams you can do club transfer or you download updates on and also you can improve players abilities. So this is how to setup FIFA 13 not to lag and also the configuration settings for it. Thanks for your time you can drop a feed back to show some appreciation if it worked for you using the comment box.