Top Ten Places You Can't Visit

It's always fun to break the rules and enter into restricted places. But there really
some places it's impossible to visit. We count down the top 10 places you can't visit!

1)Area 51 

U.S military installation located roughly 100 miles (161 kilometers) north of Las Vegas
been one of the worst-kept secrets on the planet. Area 51, as it's commonly known to UFO conspiracy theorists and aviation buffs who piece together the details of classified military spy plane prototypes, is a place whose existence the U.S. government long refused even to acknowledge.

2) RAF Menwith Hill 

The giant white “golf balls” look out of place next to the rolling hills, stone fences
picturesque farms of the Yorkshire countryside.
The “golf balls,” or radomes, dwarf the buildings at this tiny U.S. military base in 
northern England. They house satellite receivers and transmitters that help Men with
workers fulfill the mission of providing “intelligence support for U.K., U.S. and allied interests,” according to the base website.

3) Room 39

Room 39 is a secretive North Korean government organization that seeks ways to maintain the foreign currency slush fund for the country's leader Kim Jong-un.

4) Snake Island

The highest concentration of one of the most venomous snakes in the world is located about
90 miles off the coast of Santos, Brazil, on a small, craggy chunk of otherwise 

uninhabitable land. It’s known as Ilha da Queimada Grande, or Snake Island, and it’s the 

only place you will find 2,000 or so of the wholly unique golden lancehead viper, or 

Bothrops insularis.

When you step ashore, with a keen eye you spot one of these snakes roughly every 10 to 15 

minutes after clearing the base of the island, and as many as one every six square yards in 

other parts of the island. This means, as you are walking through the waist-high brush,

even with some good boots on, it’s like walking through a minefield that moves and, instead 

of blowing you into chunks, slowly paralyzes you and liquefies your insides, as the golden 

lancehead does to the migrating birds it feeds on in the treetops.

5) Vatican Secret Archives

One hundred secret documents held in the labyrinthine vaults and tunnels of the Vatican’s
Secret Archives are on public display in Rome for the first time. 

Normally kept under lock and key and not available to the public, the documents will be 
shown in the Capitoline Museums until September to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the 
establishment of the Secret Archives.The archives have always aroused curiosity, no more 

so than when they were featured in the Dan Brown novel “Angels and Demons,” in which

Harvard “symbologist” Robert Langdon races against time to stop a secret religious order
from blowing up the Vatican. The priceless documents span more than a millennium, from the 

8th century to modern times, and feature a cast of historical characters ranging from 

Martin Luther and Henry VIII to Galileo and the warrior monks of the Knights Templar.

6) North Sentinel Island

North Sentinel Island, a part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal Ocean
between Myanmar and Indonesia, is home to one such tribe. The Sentinelese people are so 

hostile to external contact that the island has been dubbed the ‘hardest place to visit’ in 

the world.

The Sentinelese are thought to be direct descendants of the first humans who emerged from

Africa. They have lived on the tiny island for almost 60,000 years. Their exact population 

is unknown; it could be as low as 40 or as high as 500.

7) Metro-2 (Moscow)

This subway system is called "Metro 2" and is located under the civil subway in the very
centre of Moscow. Right now we're going to go down for 110 meters in the area of Red 


The secret special subway system can be built in many ways and for different purposes 

starting from evacuation of the Russian generalship and finishing with the systems of 

special communication of various bunkers belonging to all possible agencies and structures.

8) Mezhgorye – Secret City

Mezhgorye is a closed town in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia, located in the
southern Ural Mountains near Mount Yamantau, about 200 kilometers (120 mi) southeast of
Ufa, the capital of the republic, on the banks of the Maly Inser River (a tributary of the 

Kama River).This town has population of 17,353 inhabitants according to the latest 2010 

census.It is one of the most interesting towns of this type for sure.

9) Mount Weather

The Mount Weather Special Facility is an unacknowledged Continuity of Government (COG)
facility operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The 200,000 square 

foot facility also houses FEMA's National Emergency Coordinating Center. Located on a 434 

acre mountain site on the borders of Loudon and Clarke counties, the above ground support 

facilities, with 240 employees, include about a dozen building providing communications 

links to the White House Situation Room.

10) Surtsey

Surtsey, a volcanic island approximately 32 km from the south coast of Iceland, is a new
island formed by volcanic eruptions that took place from 1963 to 1967. It is all the more 

outstanding for having been protected since its birth, providing the world with a pristine 

natural laboratory. Free from human interference, Surtsey has been producing unique long-

term information on the colonisation process of new land by plant and animal life. Since 

they began studying the island in 1964, scientists have observed the arrival of seeds 

carried by ocean currents, the appearance of moulds, bacteria and fungi, followed in 1965 

by the first vascular plant, of which there were 10 species by the end of the first decade. 

By 2004, they numbered 60 together with 75 bryophytes, 71 lichens and 24 fungi.Eighty-nine 

species of birds have been recorded on Surtsey, 57 of which breed else where in Iceland. The 

141 ha island is also home to 335 species of invertebrates.