General Awareness Quiz for today :-
1. Which African countries signed an agreement for sharing the water from Nile River ?
2. Who is the President of Sudan ?
3. Who elected as Chairperson of Board of Director of American Council of Education ?
4. World Tuberculosis Day is observed on ?
5. Who awarded with Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement recently ?
6. Who was the 1st Indian to awarded with Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement ?
7. ‘Twittre Samvad’ launched by the Government of India for which purpose ?
8. Who is the CEO of Twitter Inc. ?
9. For galvanizing iron which of the following metals is used ?
10. Who is Tania Sachdev ?
11. The largest production of mica in Asia is from ?
12. Which African-American inventor received 5 patents in the field of shoe making ?
13. Which Award was conferred on Mrs.Kiran Bedi ?
14. The original name of ‘Mahabharata’ is ?
15. The number of principal organs of UNO is ?
1. Which African countries signed an agreement for sharing the water from Nile River ?
2. Who is the President of Sudan ?
3. Who elected as Chairperson of Board of Director of American Council of Education ?
4. World Tuberculosis Day is observed on ?
5. Who awarded with Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement recently ?
6. Who was the 1st Indian to awarded with Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement ?
7. ‘Twittre Samvad’ launched by the Government of India for which purpose ?
8. Who is the CEO of Twitter Inc. ?
9. For galvanizing iron which of the following metals is used ?
10. Who is Tania Sachdev ?
11. The largest production of mica in Asia is from ?
12. Which African-American inventor received 5 patents in the field of shoe making ?
13. Which Award was conferred on Mrs.Kiran Bedi ?
14. The original name of ‘Mahabharata’ is ?
15. The number of principal organs of UNO is ?