The most important that comes to one’s mind when he starts preparing for ENTRANCE TESTS. All your endeavours will get to fruition if you make best out of preparation and get into any good university. Let me make one thing clear to you that life isn’t going to be as easy as you have presumed after getting into university and getting rid of loads of books and notes of F.Sc. and Matric.
Coming to the main point of writing this article, HOW TO PREPARE FOR NUST ENTRANCE TEST. Be it an entrance test of UET, FAST, NUST, GIKI, COMSAT, and PIEAS.
- There is NO USE OF JOINING ACADEMIES for this purpose. Rather than wasting your time and money there, your focal point should be to make clear your concepts. Give up cramming from the notes and books, give the topic a thorough read and then list out the important points written in it.
- Don't Use Preparatory Books at All.
Article Author Details
Author: Mutayab KhalidUniversity: Nust (SEECS)
- Entrance Test is not something that you can’t do that without joining academy. Examiners won’t ask anything that you haven’t read rather they will check how much deep you know about the topic.
- A thorough reading of topics would be enough for preparation.
- PHYSICS requires a complete understanding of book and concepts. Application of formulae is mandatory. Formulas should be on your Finger Tips. Write them on a paper daily. I recommend you Preparatory Book Of Physics Prepared By Punjab College(Yup! You may think that I first said “Don't Use Preparatory Books at All”, ignore it for Physics.

- MATHS requires complete grasp on how to apply formulae on different situations. Practice and Practice. Maths is the portion in which most of the students lose marks. It has 80 marks. FOCUS on the maths portion, Don’t hurry , even if you spend like 30-45% of the allotted time on Maths portion, don’t worry.
- CHEMISTRY requires Cramming (unfortunately) but you have to if you want to get a good score in any test. Mostly, they ask about formulae and applications. ORGANIC chemistry part gives a hard time so be prepared for it. INORGANIC chemistry is completely Cram so do it. Focus on organic portion.
- ENGLISH: Don’t waste time on it. Mostly, they ask about VOCAB questions. And you can only attempt those questions if you have good store of vocabulary. You cannot build your vocab in a day or two. However, you should know where to employ which form of verb and at least a slight tinge on putting right verb or word in blanks. Focus on your Grammar.
- IQ :Questions depend on your IQ ability. The earlier you stand the problem, the earlier you will attempt it. Practice a few questions, like 20-30, enough for you to learn the pattern of the IQ related questions. For IQ Questions Stay in Touch with Our Group. We will Soon Publishing an Article on this topic.
WORK HARD AND SMART. Don’t be just like a labourer doing his work and work and he doesn’t know what he is doing. So, be smart and practical towards your approach to different things.
Now, what strategy you should adopt while doing Entrance test. During NET, Try to give more time to MATHS and PHYSICS portion as they make most of the paper. 80 and 60 questions respectively. Attempt ENGLISH and IQ on last.BIT OF ADVICE:
So start it off today and try to cover your bi-year syllabus in two months. Divide your work and do it in small portions. Like if you have 8 weeks, from today till NET – 2, then you have ample time on your weekends to prepare well for them. Instead of watching movies and dramas, wasting time on Facebook, and WhatsApp give more time to your studies now. I hope you all will do best in your EXAMS and E-Tests too. We’ll try to give you as much as we can and help you to solve your queries well in time. Hope to see you soon at NUST. Queries are always welcomed.