1G,2G, 3G and 4G mobile networks in worldwide?

1g 2g 3g 4g networks working
1G,2G, 3G and 4G means that the “Generation” of the mobile networks.

 Now these days, many mobile companies have started offering 4G services in their country. 

A higher number before the ‘G’ means more power to send out and receive more and more information or data and therefore the ability to achievement of the higher efficiency through the wireless network that was provided by that company to their customers.

Understanding about the mobile networks:

1st Generation or 1G Network:

By the name is shown 1G network it was the first generation of the mobile network.it is basically, the radio signals that are always transformed into the form of Analogue and it was not be able to more and more sending sms and making many calls. But the greatest disadvantage of this type of network is lack of full scope of network availability. This type of network is only available within the country where the network range is available. Due to bad availability of this type of network the next generation of developed for completing of this lack availability.

1g to 4g networks details

2nd Generation or 2G Network:

By the developing of this type of generation called 2G network. It was based on the digital network and these types of networks were transmitted in the digital format and this type of network were improved by the quality of calls and messaging also and it also reduce the complexity of data transmission from one to another form of data transmission. The 2G network is also a form of semi Global Roaming System, which have ability to enable the connection in all over worldwide range.

The main difference between the 2G network and 3G networks is a short phase between both of them. The mobile phones become well-formed and more packet able if we have to need or call it any time. This is well known and referred by the 2.5G where the quantity of the radio waves is much and much lower. This is an effect of the shape and a structure of the mobile phones systems. Many 2.5G helped in the sharing of the GPRS known as “General Pocket Radio Service”.

Wifi and networks

3rd Generation or 3G Network:

In this era the most known as the 3rd generation of mobile networks has become popular largely all around the world and it is becomes the popular for the access of internet network by using different devices like tablets and mobile phones and others. In the 3G network has data transmission of range is 500KBPS to 2MBPS. The 3G networks allow you to transfer of data from on device to another device in a high speed of transmitting. It allows the people to transmission of data like Video calling, voice calling, file transfer, browser surfing, online TV watching, online games playing and much more. 3G network is the best and very usable network where it has access for the availability for the customers or stay connected to the internet system.

4th Generation or 4G Network:

This type of network is a fourth type of Generation known as 4G network. This type of network have so many features, that have also includes all 3G facilities and with additional features also includes. The speed of data transmission of rang is from 100MPBS to 1GBPS. With best talking in video calling, internet surfing, conferencing, chatting, networking, playing games, downloading uploading and many more that you want on the internet thorough the mobile or your pc.
