10 New Year Resolutions You Must Follow as a Pakistani

New Year resolutions become a common tradition among people including Pakistani people. Most of these resolutions are limited to their life and better future plans. But what about a better Pakistani and citizen? Have you ever make resolutions on new year to improve the status of Pakistan by removing the bad?

Following are some suggestions by me for every Pakistani to follow and make part of their new year resolutions.

1. Follow the law of country

Do not break the red light in the absence of police warden.

2. Play your part to make a positive difference

Do not just wait for big opportunity, every good deed count. Little drops of water, little grains of sand, make the mighty ocean and the beauteous land.

3. Stop littering - Keep Pakistan Clean

One of the cause of so many diseases are the bad environment and its all starts from litter. Not just stop littering but also pick up litter specially from the parks.

4. Stop smoking at public places

Its okay if you don't care about your life but please do not force other people to take your smoke. Stop smoking at public places like public transport, restaurants, offices etc.

5. Stop wasting electricity, gas and water

One of the reason we are facing energy crises in Pakistan is waste of energy. Just switch of the extra lights in your room, double check your water tap when leaving the bathroom etc.

6. More use of public transport

When did you used public transport last time? They are not just cheaper than your private transport but you will help the country the ravages of pollution.

7. Donate blood

Thousands of people in Pakistan daily required blood in hospital. We have more than 100,000 tThalassemia in Pakistan who need blood. Donate blood at least once in 6 month so no one can be died due to lack of blood donation.

8. Stop giving bribe

Bribe is not just "Haram" but its also make the country worst in term of corruption. Remember point 2 above, the little difference make change.

9. Plant a tree

Sounds funny? But when did you planted a tree last time at public places like part, next to footpath or even outside your house or in the street? It is not just government duty but you are also liable for this.

10. Take good care of minorities living in Pakistan

It is not just our duty as good human being but Islam also said us to take good care of non-Muslims living among us. Raise voice for their rights if needed, protest along with them to support their good agenda etc.

11. Let's start from today by sharing this post

Aware other people about these resolutions to start the journey of new year with these resolution

Do you have a better resolution for Pakistan? Why not share in comment section to contribute in the list.