KPPSC decided to take Ability Test at different stations at Peshawar, Swat, Mardan, Abbottabad, Kohat, D.I Khan and Bannu for the post of Tehsildar, Head Mistress, Lecturer Islamiyat (Male/Female) & Assistants (Both Sexes) in E & AD & Higher Education Department of Advt. No. 06/2013, 03/2014 & 02/2014 scheduled to be held on 25th , 26th & 27th December 2014 (Morning & Evening Session)
1.Tehsildar (Both Sexes) in Revenue and Estate Department
(Advt. No. 03/2014)
25-12-2014 (Morning Session) 10:00 AM
Number of posts 19
2.Head Mistress (BPS-17) in Elementary and Secondary Education Department
(Advt. 06/2013,S. No. 06 )
26-12-2014 (Morning Session) 10:00 AM
Number of posts 73
3.Male Lecture Islamiyat (Advt.06/2013,S.No.15 ) (Sub Sr.No 8)
Higher Education Department
26-12-2014 (Evening Session) 02:00 PM
Posts 16
4.Female Lecturer Islamiyat in Higher Education Department (Advt.06/2013,S.No.16 )
(Sub Sr. No 7)
26-12-2014 (Evening Session)02:00 PM
Posts 15
5 Office Assistant in E&AD (BPS-14)
(Both sexes)
(Advt.06/2013,S.No. 07)
27-12-2014 (Morning Session) 10:00 AM
Posts 21
6 Office Assistant in directorate of higher education.
(Advt. 02/2013, S. No. 28)& (Advt. 02/2014, S. No. 26)
27-12-2014 (Evening Session) 02:00 PM
31 Posts