History of computer?

History of Computer

What Is Computer?

          1) Computer is an electrical instrument which receives our information’s and relay on his results.
            2) A computer is normally considered to be a calculating device that can perform arithmetic operations at enomorous speed.

History Of Computer:
            The earliest device that qualifies as a digital computer is the "abacus". This device permits the user to represent numbers by the position of beads on a rock. Simple addition and subtraction can be easily carried out rapidly and efficiently by positioning the beads appropriately. The abacus was invented in 600 B.C.

The Mark 1 Computer:
            This was the first fully automatic calculating machine, also called as Automatic Sequence Controlled calculator, invented in 1937-1944. This computer was invented with the collaboration of IBM. It was so complex and huge in size. It used over 3000 electrical switches to control its operations and was approximately 50 feet long and 8 feet high. It took approximately 0.3 second to add two numbers and 4.5 seconds for multiply two numbers.

The Aanasoff-Berry Computer:
            This computer was developed in 1943-1946, to solve certain mathematical equations. It uses 45 vacuum tubes for internal logic and capacitors for storage.

            The Electronic Numerical And Calculator was the first all electronic computer. It was developed as a result of military need. It took up the wall space in a 20 * 40 square feet room and used 18000 vacuum tubes. The addition of two numbers was achieved in 200 microseconds and multiplies of two numbers in 2000 microseconds. It was faster in speed. The only drawback was this that it could store and manipulate only a very limited amount of information’s.

            This computer was invented in 1946-1952. The Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer was designed on stored program concept. The basic idea behind the stored program is that a sequence of instructions as well as data can be stored in the memory of the computer for the purpose of automatically directing the flow of operations.

            The Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator was developed in between 1947-1949. The machine executed its first program in May 1949. In this machine, addition operation was accomplished in 1500 microseconds, and multiplication operation in 4000 microseconds..

Manchester Mark 1
            This computer was developed in 1948. This computer was a small experimental machine based on the stored program concept.

            This computer was developed in 1951. This computer was the first digital computer.

Advantage Of Computer

1) Computer is very fast device. It performs about three to four million operations per second.
2) Computer can store any type of information.
3) Accuracy of computer is very high.
4) The IQ (Intelligence Quotation) of a computer is zero.

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