70 TOP Industrial Drives - Electrical Engineering Multiple choice Questions and Answers

Latest Industrial Drives Questions and Answers List

1. The selection of an electric motor for any application depends on which of the following factors ?
2. For a particular application the type of electric-and control gear are determined by which of the following considerations ?
3. Which of the following motors is preferred for traction work ?
4   Which of the following motors always starts on load ?
5. ______ is preferred for automatic drives.
6. When the load is above _____ a synchronous motor is found to be more economical.
7. The load cycle for a motor driving a power press will be
8. Light duty cranes are used in which of the following ?
9. While selecting an electric motor for a floor mill, which electrical characteristics will be of least significance ?
10.   Which of the following motors are preferred for overhead travelling cranes ?
11   ______ is preferred for synthetic fibre mills.
12. Ward-Leonard controlled D.C. drives are generally used for ______ excavators.
13. Which of the following motors is used for elevators ?
14.   Which part of a motor needs maximum attention for maintenance ?
15. need frequent starting and stopping of electric motors,
16. Which feature, while selecting a.motor for centrifugal pump, will be of least significance ?
17.   _______ motor is a constant speed motor.
18. The starting torque in case of centrifugal pumps is generally
19. Which of the following motors are best for the rolling mills ?
20.  is not a part of ball bearing ?
21. The starting torque of a D.C. motor is independent of which of the following?
22. Rotor of a motor is usually supported on _______ bearings.
23. For which of the following applications D.C. motors are still preferred ?
24. In a paper mill where constant speed is required
25. A reluctance motor
26. The size of an excavator is usually expressed in terms of
27. For blowers which of the following motor is preferred ?
28. Belted slip ring induction motor is almost invariably used for
29. Which of the following is essentially needed while selecting a motor ?
30. Reluctance motor is a
31. method of starting a three phase induction motor needs six terminals.
32. In ______ method of staging three phase induction motors the starting voltage is not reduced.
33. In jaw crushers a motor has to often start against ______ load.
34. For a motor-generator set which of the following motors will be preferred ?
35. Which of the following motors is usually preferred for kiln drives ?
36. Heat control switches are used in
37.  has relatively wider range of speed control.
38.   In squirrel cage induction motors which of the following methods of starting cannot be used ?
39. In which of the following applications the load on motor changes in cyclic order ?
40. Flame proof motors are used in
41. Which of the following machines has heavy fluctuation of load ?
42. For derries and winches which of the following drives can be used ?
43. Battery operated scooter for braking uses
44. has least range of speed control.
45. has the least value of starting torque to full load torque ratio.
46. In case of _______ speed control by injecting e.m.f. in the rotor circuit is possible,
47. A pony motor is used for the starting which of the following motors ?
48. In ________  the  speed can be varied by changing the position of brushes.
49. In which of the following applications variable speed operation is preferred ?
50. Heavy duty cranes are used in
51. The travelling speed of cranes varies from
52. Besides a constant speed a synchronous rotor possesses which of the following advantages ?
53. By the use of which of the following D.C. can be obtained from AC. ?
54. Which of the following motors is preferred when quick speed reversal is the main consideration ?
55. Which of the following motors is preferred when smooth and precise speed control over a wide range is desired ?
56. For crane travel which of the following motors is normally used ?
57. The capacity of a crane is expressed in terms of
58. The characteristics of drive for crane hoisting and lowering are which of the following ?
59. Which of the following motors is preferred for boom hoist of a travelling crane ?
60. A wound rotor induction motor is preferred, as compared to squirrel cage induction motor, when major consideration is
61. Which of the following motors has series characteristics ?
62. Which of the following happens when star-delta starter is used ?
63. For a D.C. shunt motor which of the following is incorrect?
64. For which of the following applications motor has to start with high acceleration?
65. Which of the following types of motor enclosure is safest ?
66. While selecting motor for an air conditioner which of the following characteristics is of great importance ?
67. The diameter of the rotor shaft for an  electric motor depends on which of the following ?
68. Which of the following alternatives will be cheaper ?
69. The cost of an induction motor will increase as
70. In series motor which of the following methods can be used for changing the flux per pole ?