Amazing Health Tips of Daar Cheeni & Shehad
Use Honey with Cinnamon & Enjoy Happy & Health Life
Treating Arthritis
People report to have significantly improved their conditions in just a few days by drinking the mixture twice a day. For curing arthritis, add a teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon and a tablespoon of raw or manuka honey. Drink half a glass before breakfast and half before going to bed.
A study was conducted in Copenhagen University in which patients were given honey and cinnamon for treating arthritis. After a week time, it was found that 73 out of 200 patients were relieved of their symptoms. After a month trial, almost all patients were able to walk and work.
Bladder infections
Honey and cinnamon drink is a super anti-bacterial solution for treating bladder infections and bacterial cystitis. The anti-microbial and healing properties of both the ingredients work great to clean the bladder off all the infections.
Treating Gingivitis
Researchers have found Manuka honey effective in fighting against dental plague, itchy gums, infections and bleeding. Apply honey and cinnamon paste to gums every day is an effective treatment for bleeding gums.
Treating Acne and Pimples
Applying the honey and cinnamon paste to acne can rid your skins of the acne and pimple problem. Honey is anti-bacterial and cinnamon is anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. Honey in the paste helps cinnamon stick to skin for longer.
Anti-bacterial paste
Honey possesses anti-bacterial properties. This claim is supported by numerous studies. It fights against external and internal infections. Cinnamon also possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. When combined together, they form a great potion for external infections.
Tooth Decay
This is a bit controversial. Researchers in New York suggested that honey can cause tooth decay. However, it has been suggested by scientists in New Zealand that honey can actually prevent tooth decay on account of its anti-microbial properties. Applying the paste to gums regularly and maintaining oral hygiene treat the infected gums as well as avoid tooth decay.
Mental Alertness
Many people report that honey works great for enhancing memory. When taken with cinnamon, it increases mental alertness and improves memory.
Boosting Energy
Honey is rich in many minerals and vitamins, while cinnamon contains calcium, iron, vitamin c, vitamin K, manganese and fiber. When combined they make a great immune boosting tonic. Taking honey and cinnamon tea regularly boosts energy levels, physical strength and mental alertness.
Cough remedy
Taking the solution in lukewarm water reduces both dry and phlegmatic cough. It clears the phlegm from the chest and thereby relieving the symptoms of cough.
Insect Bites
Great for itching or pain resulting from insect bites. Take one teaspoon of honey and mix it in two teaspoons of water. Add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and apply it to the affected area. It relives the pain or itching instantly.
Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon with 2 tablespoon of honey and apply to the aching tooth several times a day until the pain disappears.
Bad Breath
Mix an equal amount of honey and cinnamon and add some lukewarm water and stir to mix well. Gargle with the solution first thing in the morning and your breath will stay fresh all day long.
Hair Loss
Mix one tablespoon of honey in equal amount of extra virgin organic olive oil. Add one teaspoon of cinnamon powder to the mixture and stir to make a paste. Apply the paste to the bald areas or patches on your head. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water with an herbal shampoo.
Boosting Immunity System
Keep you immune system strong and diseases will not touch you. Both the ingredients are anti-bacterial and anti-viral making the body strong enough to fight and kill harmful bacteria and viruses. Honey also contains vitamins and minerals providing the body with essential nutrients.
Impotency and Sex Boost
Try it and see the difference! Add one teaspoon of the herb in to 300 ml hot water. Leave it for 15 minutes to cool down. Add one tablespoon of raw, manuka or organic honey. Drink half of it before breakfast and the remaining half before going to bed.
Other Benefits
The above list is by no means exhaustive and people have been using it for several other conditions such as diabetes, leg cramps, general weakness, memory loss, ulcers, wound healing, herpes, anal itching etc.