Mobilink, Telenor, Ufone, Zong Submit Bids for 3G, 4G License 2014 Latest Details,
When 3G service will launch in Pakistan this is a major question in every one’s mind . In Pakistan 3G high speed data transfer service will be soon available in Pakistan. Ufone Telenor Mobilink and China mobile Zong Pakistan submitted sealed bids for 3G and 4G Liscenses.
This Statment issued by PTA Pakistan. PTA Authority received four bids for 3G spectrum Auction. In below given images company members submitting sealed bids at PTA Headquarters in Islamabad. PTA confirmed that Ward did not participate for 3G Auction. After Finalization of bids PTA will announce the qualified bidders on April 17, 2014. Stay and visit back this website for 3G Auction and updates.
Expected date of display Qualified Bidder: April 17 2014.
Expected date of display Qualified Bidder: April 17 2014.