How to Install Xampp And Wordpress To Create Free Website

this is the tutorial in which we will demonstrate you to how to install wordpress and xampp ( hosting a website on your own computer locally )

  1. 1st step: click on Wordpress and Xampp Images to Download Wordpress and Xampp

  • 2nd Step: install xampp,
  • After you finish installation of xampp, extrat wordpress folder and Paste it in                         installationdirectory:\xampp\htdocs
note:  by default installation directory is "c" but if you have installed xampp in any other directory, you can write the directory name, for example if i installed it in "c" then i will copy wordpress in                   c:\xampp\htdocs

  • now goto xampp folder again and open control panel
  • and turnon apache and mysql
  • now goto your browser and write localhost in your browser and open.
  • after you open a local host, an screen will appear in your broswer.
  • on the left hand find tab with the name phpmyadmin, open it
  • now click on create database, just give it a name and note down the name of your database, at this time your database is empty leave it as it is.

  • now go to localhost/wordpress on your browser
note: here wordpress is the name of your wordpress folder name, if you change folder name of wordpress which you have pasted in htdocs, then you have to write here the same name

  • since you are openning your wordpress for first time, it will promp a screen which will demand some info from you, like database name, username, password, server etc

  • write these details here:
database name : "write here the name which you give to your database"
username         :  root
password         :  "clear the password field because username root has no password"

  • click on submit and your wordpress website is successfully installed on Your PC.

hope you get help from this article.
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