"Rock hard erection"
you must be familiar with the term. The ultimate hard erection is achieved when your penis is completely full with blood.
Get a harder erection by having a healthy life-style
Here are a few tips to get you started:
- Get used to a healthy diet . I mean trying to have a high-fiber and low-fat food intake.
- Check your cholesterol level. A high level means there's a chance the blood vessels in your penis are clogged by cholesterol. You might also have potency problems 'cos of cholesterol.
- Include zinc in your diet. To do that "the natural way" eat beef, turkey, lamb, crab meat, oysters and cereal. Make sure you don't lack vitamins.
- Exercise. Lack of exercise can increase the risk of erectile problems Don't smoke. Smoking is one of the main causes for impotence and erectile problems
- Masturbate (yes ...I'm actually advising you to masturbate) I think I have some explaining to do where masturbation is concerned.
In order to be in shape your penis (your whole body to be more precise), needs oxygen . The penis (much like the rest of your body), gets oxygen from the red blood cells in your blood. The best way to get blood ( oxygenated blood ) is by having an erection.
More blood in your penis= more oxygen. More oxygen=less risk of erectile failure. More erections=more blood in your penis => masturbate
This is an ancient exercise and it was designed to increase the blood flow in your penis. As I said before a good blood flow in the penis is vital for achieving full and hard erections.
Now grab the root of your penis with your thumb and index finger. The thumb is placed on the top and the index on the bottom. In that position take a deep breath , squeeze the shaft of your penis and with the thumb and index finger start pushing to the tip of the penis. When you push blood will be forced into the head of your penis. Keep your penis griped as long as you can hold your breath. When you hold your breath count to nine and each time you do so move your squeeze toward the head of your penis.
You'll notice that ancient people really knew their "Get a harder erection" techniques.