Many of you have already appeared of IBPS PO exam and rest still have to appear. I am sharing my views and thoughts regarding exam. This analysis is based on exam experience many test takers.
In almost every exam slot there were questions related to grammatical errors and fill in the blanks.
I tried to cover these topics in my previous post here.
Quantitative aptitude
This time quantitative aptitude part is bit tricky.
In almost every exam there were 5 Data interpretation sets. There is a trend of 20 questions from data interpretation part.
There were 4-5 questions from series chapter. Difficulty level was bit high. Similar pattern is repeated. So if you are reading this then you have edge over your competitors.
Go to my Quantitative aptitude guide for more info
Go to my Quantitative aptitude guide for more info
Unlike last year, this time reasoning section is fairly easy. One set of question related to sitting arrangement is repeated in every slot. You can get this question set in my previous post. There are 5 puzzle question, I strongly recommend you to avoid them and devote your time to remaining questions.
English section is bit simple this time. Those who are still not comfortable with reading long paragraphs online are going to face difficulties in this exam. Revise your grammar if you want to crack this exam.In almost every exam slot there were questions related to grammatical errors and fill in the blanks.
General awareness
This time general awareness section is tricky. Those who haven't prepared well for this section are going to face difficulties in the exam. Questions from core banking and finance were asked in previous slots.I tried to cover these topics in my previous post here.