Depend - 260, swatch (green)

If you've missed yesterday's post I'll be doing a green week this week since Karin at Vacker&Underbar pointed out that October also is Depression Awareness Month, which has the color green. I wrote quite a long post about it yesterday which you can find here but the basic thing is to show awareness to depression, far too many feel depressed and some how it's also filled with guilt to feel sad/down. In today's society it's not generally accepted to feel sad, the norm is to jump around and be happy all the time. This is a part about it, to not point fingers and show acceptance to people.

Today's green polish are archive nails, I wore it this summer. The brand is Depend, a brand that I normally don't favor, the bottles are like other brand's mini bottles at their 5 ml size but the price is full if you know what I mean.. When there's so little in a bottle I think it's extra important that the formula is good, for my wide and long nails I otherwise would almost empty a bottle like this if it need too many coats.

260 actually fills the acquirements, it's a one coater and I really like this. The color is like a dusky military green and the finish is creme. Here I'm showing it with seche vite and it looks super shiny. I like this color and I know there's other brands who have this color as well, I have one from HM for example.