I've loved doing this challenge, it has been so challenging and fun to try out so many different nail art's, both techniques and also design's I have wanted to try but haven't got around to actually try before. It has also been fun to find new awesome nail blogs that I definitely will follow also after this challenge. A big advantage has been to always know what nail art I should do of the day but I guess that I don't need to say that the disadvantage has been that I haven't been able yo enjoy all nail art's as long as I would have done in normal circumstances even though some posts have been scheduled. Another issue is that the challenge has been very time consuming and it will be nice to "relax" and get back to regular posting, however I definitely recommend this challenge and I'll definitely join it next year! :D
And yea, for this post, I imagined that you'd wanted a summary of my journey through the 31 Day Challenge 2013? Right right? Anyhow, here it is: (All images are clickable if you want to get to the original post) another thing is to click the 31DC2013-label and you'll see all posts.
Inspired by... :
So, congratulations of getting to the end of this looong post. Now I'm curious if you have a favorite or two amongst the days? Mine is the dandelion.. Or perhaps you have a request of a tutorial of some of the nail art's?
And PS.. have you seen how much my nails have grown during this month?! I just cut them down again so that they are as "short" as in the beginning of this challenge but I hope they'll grow back their length soon. DS