CSS Geography Paper 1 2013

Q.1.(i) Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate Circle on the OMR Answer Sheet. (20x1=20)
(ii) Answers given anywhere, other than OMR Answer Sheet, shall not be considered.
1.  The smallest scale maps are:
(a)Topographical  (b)Cadastral  (c) Atlas  (d)None of these
2.  The area between 50 and 70 degree longitude East on a map is:
(a)Zone  (b)Gore  (c) Graticule  (d)None of these
3.  A sector diagram is also called:
(a)Histogram  (b)Bar diagram  (c) Pie diagram  (d)None of these
4.  Mercator’s projection is unsuitable for:
(a)Canada  (b)Pakisatan  (c) Mexico  (d)All of these
5.  The greatest annual variation in intensity of direct solar illumination occurs in:
(a)Temperate zone  (b)polar areas  (c) Near the tropics (d)None of these
6.  Psychrometer measures:
(a)Absolute humidity  (b)Relative humidity  (c) Precipitation  (d)None of these
7.  Mediterranean climatic region has dry summer due to the influence of:
(a)ITC  (b)Onshore Trade winds  (c) Subtropical highs (d)None of these
8.  How many cal per cm square per minute is the approximate solar constant?
(a)3.00  (b)2.00  (c) 1.00  (d)None of these
9.  Land breeze is an example of:
(a)Vortex  (b)Geostrophic wind  (c) Convection cell (d)None of these
10.  When surface waters in the eastern Pacific are colder than normal, the climate event is called:
(a)La Nina  (b)El Nino  (c) Micro-climate  (d)None of these
11.  The deepest Ocean Trench is situated in:
(a)Southern Indian Ocean  (b)Northern Atlantic Ocean
(c) Southern Pacific Ocean  (d)None of these
12.  Saline ocean water freezes only when the temperature drops to:
(a)  ―2.9 degree C  (b)  ―0.9 degree C  (c)  ―1.9 degree C  (d)None of these
13.  The hydrological cycle is driven by the energy of:
(a)Tides  (b)Waves  (c) Currents  (d)None of these
14.  Wind abrasion is most powerful above the ground up to the height of:
(a)3 meters  (b)2 meters  (c) 1 meter  (d)None of these
 15.  Deposition of basic lava results in the formation of:
(a)Strato volcano  (b)Composite cone (c) Shield volcano  (d)None of these
16.  1 unit increase on the Richter scale means an increase in energy release of an earthquake by:
(a)10.7 fold  (b)31.7 fold  (c) 41.7 fold  (d)None of these
17.  Parallel arrangement of platy minerals in metamorphic rocks is called:
(a)Crystralisation  (b)Foliation  (c) Compaction  (d)None of these
18.  What is the best description for Asthenosphere?
(a)Hot, ductile with deformable rocks  (b)Weak, hot with rigid rocks
(c) Less dense and more plastic rocks  (d)None of these
19.  Paternoster lakes are formed due to the:
(a)Continental glacial erosion  (b)Glacio-fluvial deposition
(c) Alpine glacial deposition  (d)None of these
20.  Classification of air-masses depends on their:
(a)Temperature and humidity  (b)Temperature and pressure
(c) Pressure and humidity  (d)None of these
NOTE: (i)  Part-IIis to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.
(ii)Candidate must write Q. No.in the Answer Bookin accordance with Q. No.in the Q. Paper.
(iii)Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II, ALL questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iv) Illustrate your answers with the help of maps and diagrams, where necessary.
(v) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered.
Q.2.  Ocean currents influence the climate, resources and economies of many countries.
Elaborate this statement and give examples.
Q.3.  How have earthquake waves helped the scientists to know about the interior of the
earth? Give a detailed description of the earth’s interior with the help of diagrams.
Q.4.  Discuss the salient features of Monsoon type of climate. What impact does it have on
millions living in the South Asia?
Q.5.  Differentiate between weathering, mass-wasting and erosion. Give a detailed
classification of mass wasting types and their areas of occurrence.
Q.6.  Describe the young fold mountain building process with the help of moving
Lithospheric Plate Theory.
Q.7.  What is meant by Map Projection? Discuss different types of Conical projection and
tell us about their merits and demerits.
Q.8.  Write notes on any TWOof the following:-
(a)Tropical Cyclones  (b)Tides
(c)Rock cycle  (d)Aerial photographs
(10 each) (20)