I figured I'd show you some more from the Where In the World Challenge since I'm starting to have some in the archive and I think it's better to let them out in the open instead! Today it's all about Denmark, which is land no. 7 in the list.
I've got lots of positive thoughts about Denmark, it's close to Sweden and therefore I've been there on vacation several times. I really love their bread culture with cute bakery's everywhere. In Sweden we sadly have a more "defrost-to-ready sponge like bread in plastic bags" in the grocery shop, not that many bakery's (comparing to Denmark) and the few ones are quite expensive. Denmark also have their Danish pastry's which I never thinks tastes the same in Sweden. By now you might think there's going to be some kind of bread/pastry nail art, right? That would have been cool but now I went for symbols, and the national bird is the Muted Swan. I found a cute graphical image which I pretty much used as inspiration and free handed on my nails as a funky french. Thought that I'd show it but now it seems lost from google?
Anyhow, here you have it;
As you can see I went for the bird funky french.
Polishes used;
Nordic Cap NP13 (white)
Nordic Cap NP12 (black)
Kleancolor - Mango
Sure Promise (red)
L.A. Colors Art Deco - Red
Have you missed a country? Then click on the land below.
1. Australia
2. Canada
3. Spain
4. Israel
5. Poland
6. USA
Muted swan funky french for Denmark