1.    Question Deleted.

2.    All physically handicapped employees eligible to claim conveyance allowance are eligible for how many days of leave or treatment of illness connected with the physical handicap of the employee:
15 days.

3.    A Government Servant is deputed by Government to participate in a Civil service tournament as a member of the team. Regarding the period spent for participation in such a tournament, which among the following is true:
(A) The period excluding the time taken for to and fro journeys will be treated as duty.
    (B) The period would not be considered as duty but as leave with pay.
    (C) The period including the time taken for to and fro journeys will be treated as duty.
    (D) The period would not be considered as duty but as leave without pay.
Ans: (C) The period including the time taken for to and fro journeys will be treated as duty.

4.    If an officer who is suspended is fully exonerated:
He may be granted the full pay to which he would have been entitled had he not been suspended, along with any allowance he was in receipt of before his suspension.

5.    An officer who is not  authorized to travel by air but who performs a journey by air on tour, can draw:
Only the T.A to which he would have been entitled, had he travelled by rail or road 

6.    If an officer officiating in a post is appointed to a higher post on the advice of the public service commission, then:
His pay will be fixed as per rule 28A Part I KSR without the benefit of refixation.

7.    A Government servant who while on tour is allowed free lodging only at the expense of the Government ,Daily allowance (D.A) for him is :
(2/3) of the DA admissible to him.

8.     An officer thrown out of service for want of vacancy is again reappointed after a break to another post carrying the same time scale of pay and then is transferred to another place. Which of the following statement is true?
(A) His prior service alone shall be counted for the purpose of increment.
    (B) His prior service and joining time will be counted for the purpose of increment.
    (C) His joining time alone shall be counted for the purpose of increment.
    (D) His prior service and joining time will not be counted for the purpose of increment.
    Ans: (B) His prior service and joining time will be counted for the purpose of increment.

9.    In the case of erroneous promotion owing to factual error:
The order of promotion shall be cancelled and the officer will be brought to a    position he held, but for the erroneous promotion.

10.    If a temporary post  is created and is filled by a person who is already in the service,
regarding the fixation of pay which among the following is true?
(A) Pay shall be fixed with due regard to the previous performance of the person.
    (B) Pay shall be fixed giving the person an advance increment.
    (C) Pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the scale of pay of the temporary post.
    (D) Pay shall be fixed with due regard to the character and responsibility of the work.
Ans: (D) Pay shall be fixed with due regard to the character and responsibility of the work.

11.    Which among the following classes of officers should produce a medical certificate of health for appointment in Government service?
An officer recruited by the public service commission for appointment to ministerial service.

12.    Among the following, which kind of special pay is reckoned for the purpose of fixation of pay, on promotion to a higher post?
Special pay in lieu of higher time scale of pay.

13.    A block development officer whose monthly PTA is Rs.300 per month and the minimum number of days prescribed for tour in a month is 20 days. If he has travelled only 15 days in a month, his entitlement for PTA is:

14.    A Head Nurse drawing a pay of Rs.31,360 on time bound higher grade scale of pay of  18740-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-33680 with date of next  increment on 1-03-12 was promoted as Nursing superintendent Grade II on Rs 18740 -500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-33680 w.e.f 15 -2 -2012. Her pay as1.03-2012 is:

15.     For state Government employees working in New Delhi, the maximum period of absence combining casual leave with Sundays and other authorized holidays is:
20 days.

16.    Next Below rule is a rule is a rule intended to protect the interest of a Government servant:
Who is working outside the ordinary line.

17.    A Grade I officer who retired from service on 31-3-2009 wants to accept a commercial employment as 1-05-2012, sanction is to be  obtained from:-
No sanction is required.

18.    During leave, an officer:
Cannot draw PCA.

19.    Question Deleted.

20.    An officer is transferred from Ernakulam to Kannur. After 8 months his wife, another Government servant is also transferred from Ernakulam to Kannur. Is she entitled to receive transfer T.A?
Transfer T.A. is admissible to her, since she is performing the journey to the same station after 6 months of transfer of her husband.

21.    Question Deleted.

22.    An officer on retirement desires to settle in Bangalore. He applies for Travelling Allowance to proceed to Bangalore upon his retirement. Which among the following statement is true regarding him:
(A) He is not entitled to receive T.A as on transfer.
(B) He is not entitled to receive T.A since his journey is to a station outside the state.
(C). He is entitled to receive T.A if the journey is performed within 2 years of his retirement.
(D) He is entitled to receive T.A if the journey is performed within 1 year of his retirement.
Ans: (D) He is entitled to receive T.A if the journey is performed within 1 year of his retirement.

23.    The maximum basic pension admissible to a State Government officer is :

24.    In the case of enforced halt occurring en route on tour journeys due to blockade of roads on account of floods, the Government servant is entitled to:
¾ th daily allowance.

25.    An officer working at Nedumangad was transferred to Alappuzha. He was relieved on Friday 13th July 2012 afternoon. 14th is second Saturday; 15th and 22nd are Sundays, 18th is a public holiday. Road distance from Trivandrum-Nedumangad is 21 kms. Rail distance from Trivandrum-Alappuzha is 149 Kms. If he avails maximum admissible joining time, he should join his duty at Alappuzha on :
24th July 2012, Tuesday, Forenoon.

26.    If any doubt arises as to whether the rules in KSR would apply to any person, the matter will be decided by:

27.    An additional Secretary to Government, Finance Department was deputed as Managing Director, Kerala Financial Corporation without his willingness. Is his willingness necessary for his deputation?
Since Kerala Financial Corporation is an undertaking substantially owned and controlled by Government, willingness of the officer is not required.

28.    In which class can a Grade II(a) officer travel by train:
First Class/II AC.

29.    The period for which the Service Book of an employee who retired, should be retained by the Head of Office in which he last worked is:
25 years.

30.    A circle Inspector of Police(Higher Grade) on Rs.21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140-900-37040 and drawing a pay of Rs.26520 w.e.f 1-07-2011 is promoted as DYSP on Rs. 24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140-900-38840 w.e.f. 27-02-12. Opted 28 A w.e.f the day of promotion. His pay as on 01-07-2013 is :

31.    Question Deleted.

32.    Extraordinary pension is :
Pension awarded when an officer sustains injury or contracts disease or dies in the execution of the duties held by him.

33.    Question Deleted.

34.    An officer who is placed under suspension applies that he may be granted during suspension such leave as may be admissible to him. Which among the following statements is true?
(A) Leave due can be given if the officer has got confirmation.
(B) No leave can be granted to a Government servant under suspension.
(C) Only earned leave at credit may be granted to the officer.
(D) Leave admissible to him may be granted to the officer.
Ans: (B) No leave can be granted to a Government servant under suspension.

35.    Higher rate of family pension is allowed for a maximum period of :
7 years.

36.    The maximum period of leave that may be sanctioned to an officer for taking up employment abroad or within India is limited to:
20 years.

37.    An officer drawing a pay of Rs.32,860 in the scale of pay of 20740-500-21240-560-24040-620-27140-680-29860-750-32860-820-36140 w.e.f 01-07-09. His increment is barred for 2 years without cumulative effect as per order dated 25-09-09. His pay as on 1-07-12 is :

38.    The rules in Part I KSR came into force with effect from:

39.    Question Deleted.

40.    Any person who enters the service on or after 1-9-1984:
Need to join  Group Insurance Scheme within a period of 1 year from the date of entry in service.

41.    Who is competent to withhold or withdraw pension?

42.    Whose duty is to scrutinise the distances entered in travelling allowance bills and to check any tendency to abuse the option of exchanging daily allowance for mileage allowance is required?
Controlling officer.

43.    What kind of pension can be given if a post held by an Officer is abolished and the officer is not willing to accept another appointment?
Compensation Pension.

44.    A junior IAS officer drawing an actual pay of Rs.25,0000 claimed T.A as applicable to Grade I officer which was objected to by the Treasury Officer. Which among the statement is true?
(A) Since the officer belongs to the IAS cadre, irrespective of the pay drawn by him, he can claim T.A as applicable to Grade I officers. Hence the objection is not in order.
(B) Since there is no special order, the officer cannot draw T.A as applicable to Grade I officer. Hence the objection is in order.
(C) Only if an officer draws a basic pay of Rs.25,280 can be treated as Grade I officer. Hence the objection is in order.
(D) Since the officer is a Junior IAS officer, he cannot draw T.A as applicable to Grade I officer. Hence the objection is in order.
Ans: (A) Since the officer belongs to the IAS cadre, irrespective of the pay drawn by him, he can claim T.A as applicable to Grade I officers. Hence the objection is not in order.

45.    Is Government sanction necessary for an Superintendent of Police in the Crime Branch to visit another state for investigation of a case?
Yes; sanction is required from the Government.

46.    An officer whose headquarters is at Trivandrum died at Kozhikode while on tour. His family wanted to settle down at Chennai. Which among the following statement is true?
(A) The family will be granted T.A. for their journey to Chennai as journey on transfer.
(B) The family will not be granted any T.A. since their journey is to a station outside the state.
(C) The family will not be granted any T.A for their journey to Chennai.
(D) The family will be granted T.A for their journey if performed within a month.
Ans: (A) The family will be granted T.A. for their journey to Chennai as journey on transfer.

47.    The minimum qualifying service for earning full pension is :

48.    A recurring or non recurring payment to an officer from a source other than the General revenues of the state is known as:

49.    For official duty, when two or more officers are travelling in a conveyance belonging to one of them:
Full T.A will be given only to the officer who owns the conveyance.

50.    Question Deleted.
51.    Question Deleted.
52.    Question Deleted.

53.    The maximum number of stagnation increments is :

54.    Question Deleted.

55.    An officer who has put in a qualifying service of 29 years 9 months and 10 days applies for his retiring pension. His qualifying service for retiring pension will be reckoned as :
30 years.

56.    Pay drawn by an officer in an ex-cadre post:
Can be taken into account for the purpose of initial fixation of pay on promotion in parent department.

57.    For onward journey to be performed on the same day on which official business is to be transacted, the distance of the outstation from the headquarters shall be within:
50 kms.

58.    If a pension of an officer is Rs.18,279, maximum amount that can be commuted is:

59.    The maximum personal effects that can be carried by a Grade II officer upon transfer is :
2000 Kgms.

60.    Which among the following is not an obligatory departmental test?
(A) Any test a pass in which is prescribed for promotion to a higher post coming in the line of promotion.
(B) Any test  a pass in which is prescribed for by-transfer appointment to a higher post coming not in the line of promotion.
(C) Any test a pass in which is prescribed for the purpose of making eligible for increment.
(D) Any test a pass in which is prescribed for the completion of probation.
Ans: (B) Any test  a pass in which is prescribed for by-transfer appointment to a higher post coming not in the line of promotion.

61.    A teacher was posted on vacation duty from 15-04-2012 to 5-05-2012. If his total vacation days are 60 days, calculate his earned leave due to him.

62.    An officer deputed to undergo a course of training may draw T.A, as on transfer if the course of training exceeds:
3 months.

63.    The maximum number of compensation leave that can be taken by a Government servant in a calendar year is limited to :
15 days.

64.    If an officer  drawing a pay of Rs. 37,940 on 22360-37940 w.e.f 1-10-10 is promoted to the scale of pay of Rs.24,040-620-27140-680-29860-820-36140-900-38840 w.e.f 1-12-10. He opted 28A w.e.f promotion date. His pay as on 01-12-10 is:
38840+900 personal pay.

65.    If an officer halts at more than one station on the same day, allowance for halt may be calculated:
After computing the total hours spent on halt all the outstations taken together.

66.    Compassionate allowance granted to an employee shall not exceed:
2/3 of pension which would have been admissible.

67.    The strength of a service  or part  of a service sanctioned as a separate unit is called:

68.    The reservation charges paid for railway journeys in respect of appropriate classes of accommodation:
Will be reimbursed to all Government Servants if reservation is actually required in exigencies of public service.

69.    Family pension is :
30% of the last pay.

70.    D.A admissible for intermediate halts beyond 200kms, when a journey is performed in departmental vehicle is :

71.    Half pay leave granted in advance when there is no other leave with allowance at the credit  of an officer is called:
Leave not due.

72.    Time scales are said to be identical:
If the minimum, maximum, the period of increment and the rate of increment of the time scales are identical.

73.    An officer was drawing Rs .26,520 per month from 1-06-10. From 1-08-10 his pay became Rs.27,820. The officer retired on 31-03-11. His Average Emoluments is :

74.    Regarding special Disability leave which among the following  is true?
It may be combined with leave of any other kind.

75.    When a gazetted Government employee is likely  to retire  before  his pension can be finally assessed and settled by the audit officer which among the following  pension shall be given to him:
(A) Anticipatory Pension.    (B) Retiring Pension.   
(C) Compensatory Pension. (D) Compassionate Allowance.
Ans: Anticipatory Pension.

76.    Maximum number of years reckoned for calculating DCRG is:
33 years.

77.    The form of Travelling Allowance which is calculated on the distance travelled and which is given to meet the cost of the particular journey is called:
Mileage  Allowance.

78.    Question Deleted.

79.    An officer retired on superannuation on 30-6-2012 whose pension is Rs .27,629/- commuted maximum commutation admissible. Total amount he would receive as commutation value is:

80.    For journeys performed by foot between places not connected by any public conveyance, officers of the First Grade shall be given:
Mileage Allowance at the rate applicable for journeys by special conveyance.
81.    Government servants representing India in international events are allowed special casual leave not exceeding :
90 days.

82.    An officer under suspension dies before the disciplinary proceedings instituted against him. Which among the following  statements is true?
(A) The period between suspension and death shall be regularized as leave without allowance.
(B) The period between his suspension and death shall be treated as duty and his family shall be paid full pay and allowances.
(C) The period between suspension and death shall be regularized as leave with allowance.
(D) The period between suspension and death shall not be treated as duty.
Ans: (A) The period between his suspension and death shall be treated as duty and his family shall be paid full pay and allowances.

83.    Average emoluments is calculated on the basis of the pay drawn during the last:
10 months.

84.    When the post held by an officer is upgraded, which rule will be applied for the fixation of pay in the new post?
Rule 30.

85.    The age of superannuation for employees of Government of Kerala(except Doctors, Judicial officers…etc) is :
56 years.

86.    A probationer is an officer:
Employed on probation in or against a substantive vacancy in the cadre of a department.
87.    When an employee retires voluntarily after 20 years of service, he may be given?
Retiring Pension.

88.    An officer holding a substantive appointment was promoted substantively to another post. Which rule will be applied for the fixation of his pay in the new post?
Rule 28.

89.    If an officer is summoned to give evidence in a criminal case, which among the following is true?
(A) He is entitled to receive T.A. in addition to payment of expenses from the court.
(B) He is not Entitled to receive T.A.
(C) He may draw Travelling Allowance as for journey on tour.
(D) He is entitled to receive T.A, irrespective of the distance to the court.
Ans: (C) He may draw Travelling Allowance as for journey on tour.

90.    The maximum amount of DCRG under KSR is limited to :
7 Lakhs.

91.    A Grade II (a) officer whose headquarters is in Trivandrum proceeded to Kozhikode and halted there for 15 days. His entitlement for total Daily allowance:

92.    Superannuation Pension is :
Pension granted to an employee who retires on attaining a particular age.

93.    Which among the following cannot be commuted retrospectively into a different kind of leave?
(A) Earned Leave.    (B)Leave Without Allowance    (C) Half Pay Leave    (D)Commuted Leave.
Ans: Earned Leave.

94.    A Senior Joint Director drawing a pay of Rs.47,640 w.e.f 1-07-09 on 40640-1000-48640-1100-57440 is promoted as Additional Director on the scale of pay of Rs.42640-1000-48640-1100-57440-1200-58640 w.e.f 8-10-09. Fix his pay as on 01-07-11:

95.    When an officer is travelling on Class I hilly tracks, he can claim an additional D. A. of :
96.    An officer appointed to hold full additional charge shall receive special allowance, if :

He performs all the administrative, financial and statutory functions, and duties in respect of that post.
97.    Question Deleted.

98.    Maternity leave on full pay may be granted to female officers for a period of :
180 days.

99.    Pension ceases to be payable, if undrawn for a period of more than:
3 years.

100.    Which period of leave shall not count for increments in the time scale applicable to a post in which the officer was officiating?
Leave Without Allowance without medical certificate.