Solved English MCQs Notes for CSS PMS SPSC

Birthday suit
- Completely naked, no clothes on
The little boy was running down the street in his birthday suit.

Bite off more than one can chew
- try to do more than one is able to do
I think I bit off more than I can chew by taking on the new assignment.

Bite the bullet
- endure in a difficult situation, face a difficult situation bravely
I have decided to bite the bullet and begin studying for my Master’s degree.

bite the dust
- be killed, break down, be defeated
I think that my car has finally bitten the dust.

Bite the hand that feeds you
- turn against a friend or supporter, repay kindness with wrong
He is biting the hand that feeds him if he continues to criticize and fight against his boss.

Blind leading the blind
- someone who doesn’t understand something trying to explain it to others
It is like the blind leading the blind watching him try and explain how to operate the new computer.

Blow it (something)
- fail at something
I tried hard but I am sure that I blew the final math exam last week.

Blow one’s own horn
- praise one self
He is always blowing his own horn and is very annoying at times.

Blow over
- die down or calm down
The problem with the lost invoices has finally blown over and everyone is working hard again.

Blue in the face
- Endlessly, fruitlessly
You can argue with him until you are blue in the face but you will never change his mind.

Bone of contention
- A reason for quarrels, the subject of a fight
The family cottage was a major bone of contention when their father died.

Boot out
- make someone go or leave, get rid of someone, dismiss
He was booted out of high school for smoking on the school grounds.

born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth
- Born rich, provided from birth with everything you need
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never worked in his life.

Brand new
- Absolutely new
He was finally able to buy a brand-new car.

Break down
- stop working because of mechanical failure
The car broke down on the lonely road so nobody knew about it.

Break down
- analyze
We must break down these figures for further study.

Break fresh ground
- Deal with something in a new way
The researchers were able to break fresh ground in their search for a cancer cure.

Break the bank
- win all the money at a casino gambling table
He didn’t really break the bank but he did win a lot of money.

Break the ice
- relax and start a conversation in a formal situation
Nobody was enjoying the party until the host finally was able to break the ice.

Break the news
- tell some information first
He is planning to break the news to her about his transfer tomorrow.

Break up (with someone)
- stop a relationship
She broke up with her boyfriend last June.

bring home the bacon
- work and earn money for your family
He is out bringing home the bacon and is very busy.

Bring home the importance of something to someone
- make someone fully realize something
He was unable to bring home the importance of arriving early for the meeting.

Bring some new facts to light
- discover some new facts, make some new facts known
The lawyers were able to bring some new facts to light in the trial of the killer.

Bring someone into line
- persuade someone to agree with you
He was finally able to bring the other members of the committee into line.

Bring something on
- cause to develop rapidly
I don’t know what brought on his anger but you should avoid him until he calms down.

Bring the house down
- cause much laughter in the audience
The comedian brought the house down with his jokes about the lost dog.

Bring to mind
- recall something
Her perfect acting brought to mind some of the great actresses of the past.

Bring up
- introduce a subject into a discussion
They brought up the subject at the meeting but nobody wanted to talk about it.

Bring up
- raise or care for a child
My grandmother brought up ten children.

Bring up the rear
- be at the end of the line or in the last position
The runner from the other school was bringing up the rear in the school relay race.

- have no money
I spent all of my money on my holiday and I am now broke.

Brush up on something
- review something one has already learned
I’m going to brush up on my English before my trip to New York.

Brush with the law
- A brief encounter or experience with the police because of a crime
He had a brush with the law when he was young but now he is totally honest.

Bull in a china shop
- Someone who is clumsy and upsets other people or plans
He was like a bull in a china shop when I saw him at the meeting last week.

Bundle up
- put on warm clothes, dress warmly
We bundled up and went for a walk in the park.

burn a hole in one’s pocket
- Money that you want to spend quickly
I just got paid today and this money is burning a hole in my pocket.

Burn down
- burn completely (usually used for buildings)
The neighbor’s house burnt down completely during the night.