Khuda Aur Mohabbat Urdu Novel free download

Khuda Aur Mohabbat Urdu Novel
Download or read on-line another very beautiful and popular Urdu romantic novel "Khuda Aur Mohabbat" (God and Love) by Hashim Nadeem for free. This is a very beautiful and balance love story related to Pakistani society. Do not miss to read this novel.

The story is very beautiful and many people in Pakistan liked appreciated the effort of Mr. Hashim Nadeem. The story is like a middle class Islamic scholar teaches the Holy Qur'aan to the children of a higher class family at their home and at the completion of the Holy Qur'aan, the higher class family agonizes a celebration ceremony because their children have read the complete Qur'aan,
Now the driver of the family invites the family of Islamic scholar to the ceremony but the Islamic Scholar refuses to send his family in such a higher class family but the driver insists and the scholar agrees to send his two young daughters to the home of the children where the young uncle of the children sees the elder daughter of the scholar and fall in love with her. The young girl of the scholar is religious and starts prayer at the home of the children and people around there wonders at her. Now the young man talk about his love and wants to marry her but his family does not allow him and become angry with the Islamic scholar and taunts him. They get the scholar out of their house and blame him for all of the situation and taunt him that it was his own plan to marry her daughter in such a great and rich family. Now the young man faces difficulties from his own family as well as from the family of his beloved. The young boy goes to the scholar and begs for his beloved one but the scholar refuses and tells him that people will taunt him because people will talk that the scholar has chosen a family for his daughter where he taught the Holy Qur'aan. Now the young boy starts protest in his home against the behavior of his family with the Islamic scholar.
Khuda Aur Mohabbat Urdu Novel
On the other side the young girl is very religious and strictly obeys her father e.g the Scholar, neither shows love for the young boy nor express hate for him. The young boy starts meeting and begging the scholar but the scholar tells the young boy that their is a huge difference between his family and the young man's one. The scholar tells him that his family is modern thinking while his family is religious. Now the young boy also starts 5 times prayer in the scholar Mosque and shows himself that he is now a religious one but the scholar tells him that his own family is poor and middle class and while the family of the young boy is rich thats why he e.g scholar cant not marry his daughter in such a rich family.

The young boy is unable to send his family to the house of the scholar and apologize for their behavior, So he leaves his home and starts working as a coolie on a railway station where he sees his beloved on the railway station. The cousin of the young girl Abdullah who already know about the young boy sees the young boy on a railway station in the coolie uniform and later on tells to his uncle e.g Scholar about the new occupation of the young boy.

The scholar wants to marry his elder girl e.g the beloved of the young boy to his only one nephew Abdullah but the young girl is now also falls in love with the young boy as she has seen him on a railway station and left his luxurious life for her, but the young girl can not say about his beloved e.g the young boy with his father e.g the Scholar. The younger sister comes to know about her elder sister love and arranges the meeting of the young boy and his elder sister with the help of the daughter of the driver (working in the house of the young boy).

I just wanted to write a brief summary but it will take much time after download the novel you can read what happened after then. The people who read this novel, like it because the Molvi e.g Scholar is right in his own point view e.g he does not want to marry her religious daughter to a higher class family because of
  • The higher class family has taunted the scholar and get him out of his home
  • The higher class family is not religious
  • There is difference between the middle class e.g the family of the scholar and the higher class family e.g the family of the young man.

The Geo TV has also telecasted the the drama basis on the same novel and same name e.g "Khuda Aur Mohabbat" (The God and Love)

Brief Information of the Urdu Novel

Novel Name: Khuda Aur Mohabbat
Writer: Hashim Nadeem
Format: pdf
Size:  MB

 Sample pages of the novel "Khuda Aur Mohabbat" by Hashim Nadeem 

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