How to disable submit button in HTML JavaScript to prevent multiple form submission

Avoiding multiple submission of HTML form or POST data is common requirement in Java web application. Thankfully, You can prevent multiple submission by disabling submit button in HTML and JavaScript itself, rather than handling it on server side. This is very common requirement while developing web application using Servlet and JSP or any other web technology. At same time there are lot of information and noise available in web and its very hard to find simple approach to disable submit button. When I search for simple way to disable submit button in HTML and JavaScript, I was overwhelmed by responses on forums and various online community. Those are good for intermediate HTML and JavaScript developer but a beginner might just get overwhelmed by amount of information presented and rather confused to use which approach will work, how exactly should I disable submit button to prevent multiple form submissions etc. That drives me to write this post and summarize the simplest possible approach to disable submit button using HTML and JavaScript. I see there could be issues related to browser compatibility which we can talk once we know the simplest approach and my intention is to add those issues and there remedy as and when I know about it to keep this article update, relevant and simple. By the way How to avoid multiple submission of HTML form is also a popular JSP Interview questionand worth preparing.
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