5 JSTL Core IF Tag Examples in JSP - Tutorial

<c:if>  or if tag of JSTL core tag library in JSP is one of the most versatile and useful tag. JSTL if tag allows you
to test for a condition, like checking for a particular parameter in requestScope, sessionScope or pageScope. You can also  check any parameter in request parameters and headers or can check for a variable in JSP page using <c:if> tag. JSTL if tag helps a lot to reduce amount of Java code from JSP  page and if used, along with expression language JSTL core tag library, can remove almost all Java code from JSP files. Earlier we have seen examples of JSTL foreach tag and JSTL core set tag and this JSP JSTL tutorial is based on if tag of JSTL core tag library. We will, see how to use <core:if> tag inside JSP files and different example of <core:if> tag to get ourselves familiar with functionality and power offered by JSTL <c:if> tag. After seeing these examples of <core:if> tag along with expression language, You will be amazed to see, how clean your JSP looks like.
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