Unknown Mango Health Benefits

Mangoes is also called king of Fruits, it really justifies the words as it has lot of health Benefits and more delicious when comes to the taste

Some Health Benefits are given Below............

1) Mangoes are Rich in Antioxidant compounds which decreases the Risk of Cancer and these
     compounds contain the gallic acid and fisetin and abundant enzymes too.

2) It is rich in Vitamin C and fiber which is likely helpful to lower the Cholesterol well Effectively

3) Mangoes are rich in Vitamin A which will promotes the Eyesight and Prevent Night
     Blindness and Dry Eyes

4) Mangoes will normalize the insulin levels in the body,and it has relatively low glycemic index,
      so taking on moderate quantities will not increase your sugar levels.

5) Mangoes Contain Enzymes that Break Down Proteins, So it is is useful for proper Digestion

6) The Rich amounts of Carotenoids and both Vitamin A and Vitamin C is useful for our Immune 

7) Take the Juice from the Green Mango and mix with water and sweetener and drink, it is an excellent
     remedy for the Sun Stroke