1. The accounts of bodies substantially financed from state revenues are to be audited by C&AG:
Subject to fulfillment of prescribed conditions.

2. Proforma accounts of certain departments are prepared and maintained by:
Concerned departmental authorities.

3. Government accounts are kept in:
Three parts.

4. The limit for raising money under borrowings a state government upon the security of its consolidated fund is fixed by:
Legislative assembly.

5. No money can be withdrawn for the consolidated fund of a state government until:
Appropriation act is passed.

6. Any allotment or re-appropriation within a grant may be authorised by the competent authority:
At any time before the expiry of the financial year.

7. "Ways and the means "refers to:
A method of maintaining sufficient cash balance not below the minimum limit stipulated by R.B.I.

8. Cash balance of a government, comprises balances in its account with:
RBI and the balances at the non-banking treasuries including sub treasuries.

9. Expenditure of capital nature is usually met from:
Borrowed funds.

10. The roles of audit and administration are:
Complementary to each other.

11. Writing back of capitalised interest after the project is commissioned is:

12. Cost of additional police guards provided to an irrigation project under construction is debitable to:
Project concerned.

13. When losses are inevitable feature of department, it is recorded under:
Major Head relating to that department.

14. Large departments like public works and forest having cheque drawing powers render monthly complied accounts to:
Accountant general.

15. Currency and bank notes held in currency chests are:
Notes not in circulation and pass into circulation when transferred to treasury balance.

16. Currency officers (R.B.I) are responsible for:
(A) Supplying coins to treasuries.
(B) Supplying coins and notes to treasuries.
(C) Arranging for transfer of funds between treasuries & banks and remittance of   money between treasury & currency office.
(D) Combination of all these functions.
Ans: Combination of all these functions.

17. Collection of non tax revenue is based on :
Purely an administrative decision.

18. Sanction with long period of currency, as well as sanction of a permanent nature should be:
Revised periodically.

19. Re-appropriation from one grant or appropriation to another grant or appropriation are:
Not permissible.

20. Technical sanction of an estimate (of a work) is a sanction:
Accorded by competent technical authority to indicate that the proposals are structurally sound and estimate is prepared correctly.

21. A supplementary estimate for a work is required when:
Item considered necessary for execution while a work is in progress and not fairly contingent on the proper execution of the work as first sanctioned.

22. Every department of Government has charge of articles purchased with public money. These articles may be classified broadly as :
Priced articles and unpriced articles.

23. What items of Tools and Plant used for projects/works are to be treated as “ordinary” and “special” is to be decided:
By Executive.

24. The issue rate of an article is fixed:
At the beginning of each financial year.

25. The priced stores ledger is posted from :
Goods Received sheets and indent.

26. The State Audit Reports are:
Signed by AG, countersigned by C&AG and submitted to Governor for being laid before legislature.

27. Appropriation Acts of the Parliament or Legislature provide the authority for:
Spending the money on various purposes indicated in the budget passed.

28. The Finance Accounts of the Government are generally prepare in …………….part(s):
Two parts-summarized statement and departmental accounts and other statements.

29. Fundamental Rights of citizens are enshrined in the Constitution in part:

30. Parliament shall have and the Legislature of a State shall not have power to make laws under:
Art.16 (3), 32(3), 33 and 34.

31. A person who has held office of President of India shall be:
Eligible for re-election on the expiry of the term (subject to other provisions of the constitution).

32. The President of India shall be elected by members of an electoral college consisting of:
The elected members of both Houses of Parliament and the elected members of the Legislative Assembles of the States.

33. The emoluments and allowances of the President shall not be ……. During his term of office:

34. The Prime Minister shall be appointed by the:

35. The members nominated to the Rajya Sabha shall consist of persons having special knowledge in respect of such matters as:
Literature, Science, Art and Social service.

36. The president shall have…….. to grant pardons in all cases including death sentences awarded by the courts:
Absolute power.

37. The power of dismissing the House of People is vested with the:

38. Supplementary grant is moved in the parliament /Legislature Assembly when:
The amount authorized by law for a particular service is found to be insufficient during the course of the year.

39. Annual Reports of the State Public Service Commission shall be submitted to :
Governor of the state (for being laid before the Legislative Assembly).

40. A member of the state public service commission shall hold office for a term of ……..
6 years and up to 62 years.

41. A state may raise any loan without any restriction:
Cannot raise loans without the consent of the Government of India if there is a still outstanding any part of loans made to the State by Government of India.

42. The constitution provides to constitute a Finance Commission at intervals of :
5 years.

43. If any question arises whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not, the decision of the……….shall be final:
Speaker of the Lok Sabha.

44. When a Bill is passed by the House of Parliament, it shall be presented to the President, who shall declare:
Either he assents to the bill or that he withholds assent therein.

45. Joint sittings of both the Houses (Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha) of Parliament to resolve certain bills are summoned by the:
President of India.

46. Technical sanction to be obtained for execution of a work:
Is mandatory and should be obtained before commencement of work.

47. In the case of moneys received to be held as deposits with Government, Audit has to see that any deposits remaining unclaimed beyond the prescribed period are:
Lapsed and duly credited as revenue receipts of Government.

48. Under Suspense heads are recorded such transactions that are:
Ultimately removed by payment or recovery in cash or book adjustment.

49. A sub divisional officer is empowered to draw cheques against the accounts of his Divisional officer by:
The Divisional officer.

50. The main point in every fraud investigation, must be to ascertain:
Whether the exercising ordinary common sense and application of existing rules would not have rendered the fraud impossible.

51. The general principles and rules of Audit which govern audit of expenditure  apply mutatis mutandis to:
Disbursement under debts, deposits, remittances and suspense heads.

52. The responsibility for watching the progress of expenditure against a (grant) devolves on the:

53. To see that no authority exercises its powers of sanctioning expenditure to pass an order which will be directly or indirectly to its own advantage is part and parcel of :
Propriety audit.

54. One of the main checks in Audit is to ensure that there is provision of funds for the expenditure duly authorized by competent authority. This type of Audit is prescribed for:
Government Audit.

55. Enforcing economy in the expenditure of public moneys is the responsibility of :
Executive Government.

56. The object of Appropriation Accounts is :
To relate expenditure brought to account during a financial year to several items specified in the schedule to Appropriation Act passed by the L.A.

57. Appropriation Accounts, Finance accounts, and Audit Reports(Civil) laid before the L.A. are examined by:
Public Accounts Committee.

58. Cash basis of accounts means:
Actual cash receipts and disbursements during a financial year as distinct from amounts due to or by Government.

59. Unit of Appropriation is the :
Detailed head.

60. Commercial departments are maintained mainly for the purpose of :
Rendering services or providing supplies on payment for the services or for articles supplied.

61. It is the duty of the Finance Commission to:
Making recommendations about distribution of Income Tax and Central Excise Duties between Union and States and principles for Central grants to States.

62. Finance commission is constructed by:
President of India.

63. Unpriced articles (of stores) comprise of :
Stationery, furniture…etc.

64. Bin card (of store items) is posted from:
Goods received sheets and store indents.

65. Leave accounts of Gazetted Government servants are maintained by :
Accountant General (A&E).

66. Central Audit is based on scrutiny of :
Accounts and vouchers, schedules and other documents received form various disbursing officers.

67. Inspection Reports of Audit deal with:
More important defects of procedure and financial irregularities.

68. Unless specifically permitted by rules/competent authority revenue due to Government:
Can be credited only after realization. Credit must follow are not precede actual realization.

69. Audit against provision of funds is directed to ascertain whether:
The money has been expended for the purpose(s) intended by the grant.

70. Scale regulated contingences are those for which:
Particular scales are laid down by the competent authority with other conditions to be complied with.

71. Consolidated treasury receipt for each month in respect of a P.W.Division is prepared by:
Divisional Officer and signed by District Treasury Officer.

72. Every grant made for a specific object is subject to the implied condition that:
Grant will be spent for the specified object within a reasonable time, and unspent grant refunded.

73. Advocate General of a State  is appointed by:
The Government of the state.

74. While the office of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is vacant, the duties of that office shall be performed by:
Deputy Speaker.

75. The question of disqualification of members of LA (as mentioned in the Constitution) will be decided finally by:
The Governor.

76. The constitution provides for declaring Financial Emergency by President when:
He is satisfied that a situation has arisen whereby the financial stability or credit of India or any part of it, is threatened.

77. A person shall not be qualified to be chosen to fill a seat in the Legislative Assembly, unless he is :
Not less than 25 years of age.

78. A bill which if enacted would involve expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of India shall not passed by either house of Parliament, unless:
The President has recommended to that house for the consideration of the bill.

79. Official business in Parliament shall be transacted in :
Hindi or English.

80. The normal term of the President of India for holding office is :
Five Years.

81. No money shall be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund of India except:
Under appropriation made by law passed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.

82. The annual financial statement to be laid before the Legislative Assembly of the State will embody:
Estimated receipts and expenditure for the year, sums required for charged items and sums required for meeting other expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of the State.

83. No person shall be eligible for election as President unless he has completed the age of :
35 years.

84. The executive powers of the Union(Central Government) is vested in the :

85. Taxes levied and collected by Union and distributed between the Union and the States are:
Income Tax.

86. The Vice president of India shall be elected by an electoral college consisting of members of:
Both the houses of the parliament.

87. Travel expenses of a Government servant for travel on duty connected with an outside body is debitable to:
The fund of the outside body.

88. State Treasuries are those controlled by:
State Government.

89. In regular Government accounts, the correct allocation of expenditure to revenue or capital heads of accounts is checked by:
Audit department.

90. Detection and prevention of fraud in the Government system of audit is taken care by:
Checks by Executive Officers and supplemented by local audit and continuous central audit.

91. An important duty of audit in relation to borrowing is :
To ensure it is brought to account, utilized for the intended objects and arrangements made for amortization of debt.

92. Ordinarily all amount due to Government, which are found to be irrecoverable shall be written off from the debt head as a loss to Government.
An expenditure head as a loss to Government.

93. A service receipt of which full particulars are not of given must be taken:
To minor head “other receipts” under revenue head to which it appears to belong.

94. The main unit of classification in accounts is :
Major head.

95. The classification of transactions in Government shall have closer reference to :
Function, programme, and activity of Government and the object of revenue or expenditure.
96. Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed by:
President of India.

97. Audit Reports(Civil) of C&AG are scrutinized and follow-up action recommended by :
Public Accounts Committee.

98. Introduction of a new Major Head of Account requires the sanction of :
C&AG of India.

99. Duties being performed by Comptroller and Auditor General of India are based on :
C & AG’s (Duties Powers, & Conditions of Services) Act 1971.

100. Taxes collected by Government are classified under:
Consolidated Fund.