Saneha Lal Masjid Hum Par Kia Guzri pdf free download

"Saneha Lal Masjid Hum Par Kia Guzri"
Free download or read online a must read Urdu book "Saniha Laal Masjid Hum Par Kya Guzri" and the story of the shocking incident of Laal Masjid from Umm-e-Hasaan who is the principal of Jamia Hafsa.

The book  "Saneha Lal Masjid Hum Par Kia Guzri"  is written by Mis Umme Hasan the principal of Jama Hafsa. in which she has describe the barbarism on Laal Masjid by Parvez Musharaf and his government alliance. During the days of occurrence the Pakistani Media played a satanic role and controlled the mind of Pakistani
people. Media showed the fake shape of the people inside the Laal Masjid and told the people of Pakistan that the people in Laal Masjid are going to make a stat inside the state. This was unbelievable, how a few people can do this?

The Pervaiz Government deceased the people of Laal Masjid and many people came to know this later. The Khateeb of Laal Masjid was told by the government to escape in the woman Burqa when he was doing this so, he was arrested in front of media and showing to the people of Pakistan that how clever he was. This was similar to the story of Imam Hussain (R.A) he was also deceased.

In the book  "Saneha Lal Masjid Hum Par Kia Guzri" Mis. Umme Hasan has narrated those stories which were seen by her own eyes. The book  "Saneha Lal Masjid Hum Par Kia Guzri" has no index and the first page of the book is designed with a sad poem of Ahmad Faraz.

Sample pages of the Urdu Book "Laal Masjid Hum Par Kia Guzri" by Umm-e-Hassan

Sample page of the Urdu book Saniha Laal Masjid Hum Par Kya Guzri

Another Sample page of the Urdu book Saniha Laal Masjid Hum Par Kya Guzri
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Size: 6.83 MB
Pages: 52

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