Top 10 JDBC Interview questions answers for Java programmer

JDBC Interview Question and Answer
JDBC Questions are integral part of any Java interview,  I have not seen any Java Interview which is completed without asking single JDBC Interview question, there are always at least one or two question from JDBC API. Some of the popular questions like Why you should use PreparedStatement in Java,  Difference between PreparedStatement and CallableStatement in Java and few questions is related to improving performance of JDBC layer by applying some JDBC performance tips. In this article I have summarized few frequently asked questions in JDBC, they ranges from easy to difficult and beginner to advanced. Questions like distributed transaction management and 2 phase commitis tough to answer until you have real experience but mostly asked in various J2EE interviews. This is not an extensive list of JDBC question answers but practicing or revising this question before going to any Java interview certainly helps.
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