1.    New recruits in Govt. service shall produce a form for Service Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala in Form No.15:
At the time of joining duty.

2.    An officer having a basic pay of Rs. 21,240, while on tour will be eligible for a daily allowance of rupees:

3.    A claim for traveling allowance will not be sanctioned, if it is presented to the drawing officer or controlling officer:
After two years of due date.

4.    An L.D.Clerk entered Govt.Service on 1-3-2009. He has not taken any leave till 1-3-2012. The number of days of earned leave at his credit on 2-3-2012 F.N. is:

5.    If an officer is appointed to hold full charge of another post in addition to his own, he will be eligible for special allowance as a percentage of the minimum of the scale of pay of that post. This percentage shall not exceed:

6.    If an officer is appointed to discharge the current duties of another post in addition to his own, he will be eligible for a special allowance as a percentage of the minimum of the scale of pay of the additional post. This percentage shall not exceed:

7.    Leave to officers in Foreign service will be sanctioned by:
The foreign employer.

8.    The retiring pension for 20 years of qualifying service is granted to:
Those who have completed 20 years of service without any rounding.

9.    Average emoluments for pension is:
Average of last 10 months emoluments.

10.    For the purpose of family pension, family does not include:
Unemployed married daughter above 25 years of age.

11.    Re-employed pensioners are not entitled to:
Dearness relief on pension.
12.    The maximum amount of pension that can be commuted at the time of retirement is :
40% of Pension.

13.    A pensioner died on 25-07-2012. His wife is eligible to get family pension with effect from:

14.    The  maximum amount of death cum retirement gratuity that can be granted at the time of retirement is :
Rs.7 Lakhs.

15.    A high school headmaster drawing a basic pay of Rs. 36,140 from 01-07-2011 retired on 30-04-2012 after 32 years of service. His monthly pension will be:

16.    The daily allowances for the first grade officers for halt outside the state is :

17.    A grade I officer is transferred from Wayanad to Idukki. The maximum amount eligible to him for packing, and loading /unloading at each end is:

18.    A Taluk supply officer is transferred from Station ‘A’ to Station ‘B’, 400 kms away. Only less than half the distance is directly connected by Railway. What is the maximum number of days he can avail for journey, provided the balance portion of the journey is to be performed by road?
5 days.

19.    The Daily allowance of a Fourth Grade officer on tour outside the state is :

20.    A junior Inspector in Co-operative Dept. entered Govt. Service on 01-07-2009 and was drawing a basic pay of Rs. 14,980 from 1-07-2010 in the scale of pay of Rs.14620-360-14480-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-24040-620-25280. Before completing probation he availed leave without allowance for taking up employment abroad for 2 years from 10-07-2010. On expiry of leave, he rejoined duty on 10-07-2012. What will be in basic pay on 01-07-2013?

21.    An LD Clerk in Civil Supplier Dept. entered Govt. Service on 01-04-2000. He was promoted as U.D.Clerk with effect from 01-07-2009 and his pay was fixed as Rs.13,900 in the scale of pay of Rs.13,210-230-13540-360-14980-400-16980-440-18740-500-21240-560-22360.  He availed leave without allowances for 3 years from 15-07-2009. On expiry of leave he reported for duty on 15-07-2012. What will his basic pay on 1-07-2013?

22.    The basic pay of a Govt.Servant cannot exceed the maximum of the scale of pay of the post(including stagnation increments) except in the following cases:
(a) Granting of advance increments.    (b) Granting of dearness pay.
(c) Granting of Personal pay.        (d) None of the above.
Ans: (c) Granting of Personal pay.   

23.    A Chief Engineer in P.W.D was drawing a basic pay of Rs.58,640 with effect from 01-07-2009 in the scale of pay of Rs.48640-1100-57440-1200-59840, consequent on fixation of pay based on pay revision orders 2011. What will be his basic pay on 01-07-2012?

24.    The authority to grant a premature increment to an officer is :
The Government.

25.    The following kinds of leave will not be counted for increments:
(a)    Leave without allowances taken on medical certificate.
(b)    Leave without allowances taken otherwise than medical certificate.
(c)    Leave without allowances in continuation of maternity leave without medical certificate as provided in Rule 102, part I, KSK.
(d)    Earned leave for 3 months taken for joining spouse abroad.
Ans: Leave without allowances taken otherwise than medical certificate.

26.    An Asst. Commissioner of commercial taxes is requested by the Kerala Public Service Commission to be an examiner for valuation of answer scripts of Departmental Tests. He can undertake the work with the sanction of :
Without any sanction.

27.    An L.D.Clerk who entered Govt.service on 1-1-2005 was thrown out of service for want of vacancy on 30-04-2005. He was reappointed against an arising vacancy on 1-6-2005. He will get his first increment on :

28.    An officiating last grade servant drawing a basic pay of Rs.9190/- with effect from 01-07-2010 , in the scale of pay of Rs.8500-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13210 was temporarily promoted on 01-07-2011 in the scale of pay of Rs.8730-230-9190-250-9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540 and he opted to fix his pay on the date of promotion. His basic pay on 01-07-2011 will be?

29.    An L.D.Clerk holding a provisional appointment was deputed for one month training and the period training was treated as duty. He will be eligible for pay and allowances for the training period.
If it is certified that he will continue in service after completion of training.
30.    An assistant in Government secretariat, Trivandrum was in maternity leave from 1-04-2011 and she availed leave without allowance without medical certificate for 60 days in continuation of maternity leave. Before entering on maternity leave she got an increment on 01-03-2011. What will be the date on which she will get the next increment?

31.    Daily allowance for halt on tour for 12 hours is :
Half D.A.

32.    An officer having a basic pay of Rs.14620/- when transferred from Kollam to Kannur can claim cost of carriage of personal effects for a maximum of :
2000 Kg.

33.    A Taluk supply officer retired from service while working at Alappuzha. Before his retirement he informed his controlling officer that he intends to reside at Trivandrum, after retirement. Travelling allowance will not be paid to him if his journey to Trivandrum is made:
After one year of retirement.

34.    The extended period service of teaching staff in Educational Institutions who completed the age of retirement during an academic year, beyond the date of retirement will count for:
Pay and allowances.

35.    The date of retirement of a high school teacher whose date of birth is 01-07-1956 will be:

36.    An L.D.Clerk in district police office, Malappuram is deputed for a training in Institute of Management in Government. Trivandrum for 3 months from 1.7.2012. He will get full D.A. for halts for:
30 days.

37.    The total period of halt of an under secretary in Govt. Secretariat, Trivandrum on tour at Ernakulam is 30 hours. His eligibility for daily allowances for halt is:
1 D.A.

38.    An assistant Gr. II in Legislative secretariat entered service as 1-7-1978. He could not complete his probation till the end of December 1980. He availed leave without allowance for 5 years from 1.1.1981 for taking up employment abroad and returned to Govt. service on 1.1.1986. He retired from service on 30-04-2012 as deputy secretary. His qualifying service for pension is:
26 years.
39.    A senior Supdt. in civil supplies department retired from service on 31-03-2011. His pension was fixed as Rs.12,777 . What will be the monthly reduced pension after commuting the maximum amount of pension?

40.    A deputy collector in collectorate, Kannur retired on 31-05-2009. His retirement benefits were authorised by the Accountant general on 14-8-2009. If he was eligible for the maximum amount of D.C.R.G, what is the actual amount of D.C.R.G received by him?

41.    A Deputy Tahsildar retired from service on 31-05-2012. He was on suspension from 01-06-2011 to 31-12-2011, and the period was treated as leave without allowances. For calculating the average emoluments for pension, the period to be considered is:
The period from 01-01-2011 to 31-05-2011 and 01-01-2012 to 31-05-2012.

42.    A Deputy Superintendent of Police was suspended from service with effect from 01-02-2012 and reinstated with effect from 01-06-2012. The period of suspension was treated as duty for all purposes, except for full pay and allowances. A reduction in pay as punishment was imposed as a result of disciplinary  proceedings. He retired from service on 31-07-2012. For calculating average emoluments for pension, the period of 10 months on full pay and allowances will be:
01-10-2011 to 31-07-2012.

43.    An assistant surgeon in Health services Dept. was on leave without allowances without medical certificate from 01-01-2011 to 30-10-2011. He got an increment on 01-11-2010. His next increment will be on :

44.    A lecturer in a Govt.College was on maternity leave from 01-07-2011. On expiry of leave she reported for duty. She availed leave without allowances without Medical certificate from 01-01-2012 to 25-02-2012. If she got an increment on 01-06-2011, what is the date on which she will get the next increment?

45.    A Lady Village Extension Officer applied for maternity leave from 04-09-2011. What is the date on which she has to report for duty on expiry of leave?

46.    An L.D.Typist  entered Govt.Service on 15-07-2011. He will get his first increment on:

47.    The pay of an officer promoted to another post will be fixed on the date of promotion at the stage of higher time scale of the promoted post next above the pay in the lower time scale of pay. Thereafter fixation of pay will be allowed on the date of option, is date of increment in the lower post. This benefit will not be available to promotion to posts carrying a scale of pay:
The minimum pay of which exceeds Rs.36, 140.

48.    A high school assistant entered service on 01-06-2008. He completed his probation on 05-07-2010. He will get his second increment on :

49.    What is the date on which a High school assistant who entered service on 01-06-2008 and completed probation on 05-07-2010 will get his third increment?

50.     A Village Assistant in Revenue Dept. entered Govt.Service on 01-01-2000 F.N. His terms of appointment included a condition that he will be on probation for a minimum period of 2 years. He availed leave without allowances for 5 years from 30-12-2001 for taking employment abroad. On expiry of leave he returned to duty on 30-12-2006 F.N. What is the number of days of earned leave at his credit on 21-1-2007?

51.    A Junior Supdt. In Legal Metrology Dept.entered Govt. Service on 01-01-2000 F.N. What will be the number of days of Half Pay Leave in his account on 31-12-2012 F.N., if he was not availed any leave in his entire service, except earned leave for 370 days in different spells?

52.    What is the number of days of half pay leave on the credit of a Blue Printer in Irrigation Dept. on 28-2-2008 A.N., if he entered Govt.Service on 01-02-1991 F.N. and availed no leave during his entire service except commuted leave from 01-01-2008 to 28-02-2008?

53.    A permanent Glass Blower in Chemical Examiners Laboratory who entered Govt.service on 01-05-2000 was granted leave not due for 30 days from 01-04-2009. He has not taken any leave after 30-04-2009. What is the no.of days of half pay leave he had on 01-07-2011?

54.    A Joint secretary in Finance Secretariat who has more than 100 days each of earned leave and half pay leave at his credit, propose to apply for leave from 01-07-2012 to 01-10-2012, for joining spouse abroad, he is eligible to apply for?
Leave without allowances.

55.    The leave earned by a female officer, while in service includes:
Earned Leave.

56.    The date of increment of a Bacteriologist in Health services Dept. is 01-10-2011. He availed leave without allowances other than on medical certificate for 30 days from 01-08-2012. What is the date on which he is eligible for the next increment?

57.    An excise guard in Excise Dept. entered Govt.Service on 01-01-1991 F.N. If he has no eligible leave at his credit on 01-01-2001, and has not availed any leave after 01-01-2001, what is the minimum number of days of earned leave at his credit on 31-12-2010 A.N.?

58.    A Finance officer drawing a basic pay of Rs.22, 360 has no eligible leave at credit and is on leave without allowances for treatment of mental diseases. He is eligible for a monthly ex-gratia allowance of :

59.    An Assistant Engineer, PWD working on Thrissur was placed under suspension. He is permitted to reside at Ernakulam during the period of suspension. He is required to attend a departmental enquiry at Trivandrum. His eligibility for Travelling allowance is:
Tour T.A. from Ernakulam to Trivandrum and back.

60.    Emoluments for calculation of death-cum –retirement gratuity includes:
Basic Pay and Dearness Allowance.

61.    An Agricultural assistant in agriculture Dept. died in an accident. He got a total service of 12 years. The amount eligible as D.C.R.G is :
12 times the emoluments.

62.    A curator in Fisheries Dept. retired from service on 30-04-2012. If he applies for commutation of pension on 01-06-2013 and gets his sanctioned and paid in the same month, what will be date on which the commuted amount of pension will be restored to him?

63.    An additional secretary to Govt. retired from service on 30-06-2012. For the last one year of service he was drawing charge allowance for holding full additional charge of another post. He was also in receipt of special pay in lieu of higher time scale of pay. The items to be considered for calculating average emoluments for pension are:
Basic pay and special pay.

64.    What is the rate at which Family pension is given at the first instance, in respect of a Govt.Servant died, while in service?
(a)    30% of basic pay.
(b)    50% of basic pay, subject to a maximum of the normal rate of pension.
(c)    50% of basic pay without any limitations.
(d)    None of these.
Ans: None of these.
65.    Reemployed pensioners who retired after 6-6-2000 are eligible for:
Basic pay last drawn (excluding basic pension) and allowances for the full amount.

66.    When a Gazetted officer retires from service before his pension is finally fixed, the Audit officer shall issue authorization sanctioning:
100% of probable pension as anticipatory pension and 75% of D.C.R.G.

67.    A high school headmaster retired from service on 31-03-2010. His date of birth is 20-07-1954. He was granted a monthly pension of Rs.14,987. On 25-07-2012, he submitted an application for commuting 40% of his pension. What is his commuted value of pension?

68.    An officer retired on 31-03-2010. He was born on 20-07-1954. He applied for commutation of pension on 25-07-2012. If reduced pension after commutation was given from 01-09-2012 onwards, what is the date from which he will get full pension after restoration of the commuted portion?

69.    The service book  of a retired officer should be kept in safe custody for the prescribed period by:
Head of office at the time of retirement.

70.    An Assistant Engineer working in a mind Govt.Dept. was discharged from service due to abolition of the post. He is eligible for:
Compensation Pension.

71.    An associate Professor in medical college, Trivandrum voluntarily retired from service after completing 25 years of service. He is eligible for:
Retiring pension.

72.    A Govt.servant working at Kollam attended obligatory departmental tests for 5 days in January 2012 at Kannur, even though Kollam was also a centre. He is eligible for:
Only the dates of test being treated as duty.

73.    A permanent Junior Supdt. working at Palakkad is appointed as Deputy Collector as advised by the Kerala Public Service Commission and posted at Trivandrum. He is eligible for:
Transfer T.A corresponding to the grade of Junior Supdt.

74.    A Govt.servant should obtain special permission of Govt:
To apply for a patent for an invention made by him, in the course of his official duties involving scientific research.

75.    A High school Assistant in Education Dept. drawing a basic pay of Rs.16,980 with effect from 01-07-2011 was an maternity leave from 01-08-2011 to 27-01-2012 followed by leave without allowances from 28-01-2012 to 29-02-2012. She reported for duty on 01-03-2012 and again availed leave without allowances without medical certificate from 10-03-2012 to 25-03-2012. What is the date on which she will get the next increment?

76.    An assistant in Govt.Secretariat, Trivandrum drawing a basic pay of Rs.14,260 with effect from 01-07-2011 got appointed as L.D.Clerk in Civil Supplies Dept. in his native district of Kasargode. He joined duty at Kasaragod on 01-07-2012. The scale of pay of L.D. Clerk is Rs.9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-14980-400-16580. His pay as L.D.Clerk will be fixed as :

77.    A Gazetted officer is deputed for a training course for one year by the Govt, treating the period as duty. Another officer may be promoted to the post:
By the Govt.

78.    The services of an officer in Taluk Office, Kollam is requested by a private firm for 3 hours every day out of office hours and without detriment to his official duties. This request can be granted by:
The Govt.

79.    A last grade employee availed leave without allowances for six months, to treat his wife who was seriously injured in an accident. There was no eligible leave at his credit and he was in a financially difficult position. In such cases, the period of LWA can be counted for increments:
By the Govt.

80.    An officiating L.D.Clerk drawing a basic pay of Rs.12,220 from 01-07-2011 in the scale of pay of Rs.9940-270-11020-300-12220-330-13540-360-14980-400-16580 is promoted as U.D.Clerk with effect from 01-07-2012 in the scale of pay Rs.13210-330-13540-360-14980-400-16580-440-18740-500-21240-560-22360. He opted for fixation of pay as U.D.Clerk on the date of promotion. His pay will be fixed as :

81.    The different kinds of travelling allowances does not include:
Dearness allowance.
82.    A Deputy Collector in Collectorate, Kollam who went on tour to Ernakulam was provided accommodation at Guest House Ernakulam at reduced rates. His eligibility for daily allowance is :
Full D.A.

83.    A Deputy Collector in Collectorate, Trivandrum inspected Taluk Office, Nedumangad, which is at a distance of 20 kms, on 05-06-2012 and 6-6-2012. The number of days he can avail for journey is :

84.    A block development officer working at Kannur was transferred to Kottayam. Being a native of Kollam, he is proposed to shift his family to Kollam. The eligibility for transfer Travelling allowance is :
The BDO will get T.A. from Kannur to Kottayam and his family from Kannur to Kollam, but limited to that admissible up to Kottayam.

85.    A sub treasury officer working in Mavelikkara applied for direct selection as Deputy Collector, and he was called for a written test by the K.P.S.C. at a centre in Ernakulam. He requested to draw travelling allowance for his journey to Ernakulam and back to Mavelikkara. His request can be sanctioned only by :
The Govt.

86.    A District Information Officer working in Alappuzha was transferred to Malappuram on 01-12-2011. His wife, who is a Junior Supdt. in revenue Dept. in Alappuzha was transferred to Malappuram on 01-06-2012. Their eligibility for transfer travelling allowance is :
Both of them can claim separate T.A.

87.    An officer is transferred from Kottayam to Kollam. His residence at Kottayam is 5Kms away from Railway station and at Kollam is 7.5 Kms away from Railway Station. For transportation of personal effects he will get:
Only admissible rates for railway portion an no road mileage.

88.    An inspector of factories and boilers with head quarters at Trivandrum was on tour at Ernakulam from 01-06-2012 to 24-06-2012(excluding the period from 10-06-2012 to 15-06-2012, when he was an official duty at Kozhikkode). His eligibility  for full daily allowance for halts is :
Eligible for full D.A. for entire period.

89.    A Deputy Secretary in Advocate General’s office, Ernakulam was on tour at Trivandrum from 07-06-2012 to 13-06-2012,09-06-2012 and 10-06-2012 being holidays, he left Trivandrum on 08-06-2012 evening and returned to Trivandrum on 11-06-2012 morning, after visiting Kovalam and Kannyakumari, without any official programme. As part his travelling allowance, his eligibility for daily allowance for halt is :
For the entire period, excluding the period from 08-06-2012 evening to 11-06-2012 morning, when he was out of camp without official duties.

90.    The District Medical Officer, Palakkad is deputed for a training at New Delhi from 01-06-2012 to 31-07-2012. During the period of training, he was absent on casual leave from 15-06-2012 to 20-06-2012, and was away from New Delhi with prior permission. He will get full daily allowance for halts:
For 24 days.

91.    A retired Govt. servant commuted Rs.4,000 from his pension and he is drawing a reduced amount of Rs.6,000 as monthly pension. He is reemployed in service with a basic pay of Rs.12,000. For claiming travelling allowances, he will be treated as:
Grade II (a) officer.

92.    A Grade I officer having a basic pay of Rs.33,680, with headquarters at Thrissur was an official duty at New Delhi from 11-06-2012 to 13-06-2012. He was directed by the Head of Dept. to stay at New Delhi on 14-06-2012 to attend to some additional official duties. He cancelled his Air Ticket for the return journey on 14-06-2012 and left New Delhi on 15-06-2012 in first class train, in the absence of availability of Air Ticket. The delayed departure makes him eligible for:
Cancellation charges of Air Ticket and First class train fare for return journey.

93.    The date of birth of a Chief Radiographer in Health Services 01-04-1956. The date of his retirement is :

94.    The date of retirement of a Govt.Servant is :
The last date of the month in which he completes the age of retirement.

95.    The period from 30th January 2012 to 2nd  March 2012 will be treated as:
1 month and 2 days.

96.    An assistant in Govt. Secretariat, Trivandrum attended office late by one hour on 30-12-2011, without previous permission. As he had already attended office late without previous permission on two previous days the only one day casual leave left in his account was forfeited. He was again late by an hour on 31-12-2011. This absence can be regularized by:
Recording the late attendance and ignoring it.

97.    A senior Superintendent in Civil Supplies Dept. was on leave without allowances from 01-07-2012 to 20-08-2012. In connection with a disciplinary case, he was suspended from service by an order dated 10-07-2012. A copy of the order was received by the officer only on 20-07-2012. He will be eligible for subsistence allowance with effect from:

98.    An officer under suspension died before completion of disciplinary proceedings. The period of suspension will be treated as :

99.    From the subsistence allowance of a Govt.Servant under suspension, deductions shall be made for the following:
(a)    Subscription to general provident fund.
(b)    Income Tax
(c)    Amount due to court attachments
(d)    Recovery of loss for which he is responsible.
Ans: Income Tax.

100.    An officer transferred to a place 550km away from his headquarters will get a minimum journey time of :
2 days.