Mapping network drive in Windows XP and 7 – net use command Example

Mapping network drive in Windows XP or Windows 7 is much easier and faster by using command line than by doing it on Windows explorer. If you have been working in Windows environment with bunch of Windows 2000 or 2003 servers and your job requires frequent access, copy or paste from local machine to those remote machine than mapping them as network drive is the best option. You can use mapped network drive as any other folder which makes job of copy paste very simple. Though windows provides multiple ways to map network drive, I prefer to use command line i.e. "net use" command to map my windows network drives. This works in Windows XP and should work in Windows 7 without any fuss, its way faster than accessing every singlet node on network to reach desired fast and In order to use this you just need to change of network drive. In our last post on Windows operating system we have seen How to find IP address from hostname and this article we will see how to map remote host as network drive in windows XP. Any way enough talking, let's see command to map network drive in windows:
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